Blueprint del Bialetti: the perfect little espresso maker

Thank you, Italy! I realize I am a little late to the game on this one, but my brother in law recently turned me on to a more respectable way to have my morning coffee. I am a sucker for espresso but don’t own an espresso maker and always thought it was a bit too much fuss to make in my own kitchen. Lazy? Maybe, but with all the steaming and the frothing and the banging… Oy, gevalt. Then, Presto- I had a cup from his stovetop Bialetti.  Serious near perfection.

There is something so satisfying about this industrial, simple and perfectly Italian little piece of machinery. Manually putting together the pieces of my cup of joe each morning makes me feel like a part of the design and gives me a sense of territory over my cup, like I’ve earned it.  Not that it’s difficult, al contrario, it is simple (unscrew, add water and espresso, screw, place on stovetop, pour coffee, drink), relatively inexpensive, and the taste of freshly brewed espresso with a bit of milk is quite like heaven, I imagine. Ahh, those Italians- when it comes to the good stuff (design, art, style, food, wine… coffee)- they really do know what they’re doing.

Stovetop happiness- Grazie Mille.


Bialetti Moka Express // illy Moka Ground Espresso

blueprint image- Frollein M.

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2 Responses

  1. Ben says:

    Va bene! I love my bialetti. Best cup of joe around. I have actually thought abbout setting up a hot plate at my office to make this stuff because once you’ve had your fresh brewed stove top Italian deliciousness, the office dregs just don’t cut it.

  2. kelly says:

    totally agreed. i am ashamed to admit that we have switched to the mini Keurig only out of time necessity. with the kiddos running around, i haven’t the time to clean my shiny little pot. boo. i miss that coffee!

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