Danse Macabre- 80s style

We’re taking it back to the old school- literally. I was shown this filmstrip of Saint Saens’ Danse Macabre every Halloween throughout elementary school in Mrs. Tasos’ music class. And year after year, I was completely mesmerized by it. Imagery is such a gift for young minds.  It may be a bit simple for today’s young eyes but I still think its a great way to teach classical music. The image of that hooded violinist summoning the skeletons from their graves has always stuck with me and made me appreciate this piece from such a young age. Yet another reason why we cannot get rid of Big Bird- PBS rocks.

I have always loved Saint Saens’ work has and I think his music really speaks to young people. His Symphony No. 3A was used to score the movie Babe and (random tidbit alert) in Epcot’s French pavilion movie- a personal favorite in the World Showcase. I play Danse Macabre every year and have thought about the filmstrip since- I just found it, thank you Youtube!  Originally airing on PBS, it was shown in elementary schools throughout the 80s.  Anyone else have memories of this?

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