The Mom Stays in the Picture


Inspired by the recent Huffington Post essay by Allison Tate, I asked my 6 best girls from college to send me a photo of them with their kiddos.  Most of them had to search for one that they liked, because like most of us moms, there aren’t that many to choose from.  What a shame.  This group of lovelies are all wildly talented and ambitious women as well as devoted moms.  A surgeon, a designer, a photo editor, a real estate maven and stay at home moms, these women constantly inspire.  In short, they rock and deserve to be in the picture.  Mad props go out to my friend Natalia for rocking that one-piece.  Hot mamas!

Much in the same way I look back at photos of me in my 20s and think, “hey, I looked pretty good”, I know I will probably have the same feelings about myself 10 or 15 years from now.  No matter how much I think I need to get the pregnancy weight off or that I have a double chin, it is worth the time and effort to snap away for posterity.  Our kids will thank us for it.  Not only does my post-pregnancy body (or rather, mind) get in the way of my not being in more photos, but I am largely the photographer in the family.  Not that I am all that skilled, but I am usually the one being proactive about taking photos of the kiddos and as a result, I am not in them.

This needs to change.  Mothers of the world- let’s unite and join the effort so that The Mom Stays in the Picture!  Those of you fellow Robert Evans fans, will appreciate the reference.

Send me a photo of you with your littles and a brief description of yourself.  I’d love to include you in this series.

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