Veuve at the Truck Stop

My mom and her longtime beau got married last weekend in the Valley of Fire State Park, just outside of Las Vegas. We did it up- took the babies to Vegas and had a swingin’ time.  More posts to come but one of my favorite moments was stopping at the Moapa Truck Stop just outside of the Park, to load up on champagne and other tasty treats. We had heard good things about the place, but were more than pleased and surprised to find that they stocked Veuve in their fridge. Veuve has never been a personal favorite, but it has found a new place in my heart and in the middle of the desert- what an oasis! Beats the Andre that came with our limo.

The photo op was too good to be true. The American desert is one of my favorite landscapes- so much expansion for the eye to see. It conjures images of John Ford heroes galloping through the desert off to save another damsel in distress or burning western town, perfectly worn down 1950s roadside signage and just plain Americana. I did my time in Vegas as well, as a showgirl in my youth (the top-wearing kind), so am very nostalgic about the desert.

Walking into this truck stop was a weekend highlight- a bevy of us donned in our Vegas bests clicking and clacking our way through the truck stop grabbing beef jerky, Ruffles and champagne. The best part- no one batted an eye.

What happens is Vegas (or just outside of)…

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4 Responses

  1. Toni says:

    Ah…..what a great time!! The truck stop was definitely a high point…who’d a thought???? The Veuve definitely beat the
    Andre! Great post!

  2. Cheryl Crandall says:

    Another great post, Kelly. Veuve not being my personal favorite either, was nonetheless a delight. Sometimes we drive
    right by these great little spots on the road and never know what treasures lie within.

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