Gifts That Give Back

Here is an instance when procrastination may really pay off. If you still have not gotten gifts for your loved ones, here are 3 ideas for meaningful gifts that give back to the world and can be procured with a click. Click away fellow procrastinators.

Heifer International is a great organization with a unique gift catalog where you can choose to gift a village with a live animal to supply wool, milk, eggs, etc. You can also choose to give the gift of clean water, an education, and the list goes on. From $10.

Our friends on the East Coast are still in need of funding. One of the best ways to provide them with quick aid is through the Red Cross.

Women for Women is one of my favorite organizations. I have sponsored women through this program for over 8 years. You meet and support amazing women from all over the globe. Knowing that you are helping women to help themselves is an awesome feeling. You can either choose a one-time donation, monthly donation or sponsorship. This is a great present for your bestie, sis or sis-in-law. From $50.

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