Present-ing: The Globetrotter’s Gift Guide

1. A classic leather luggage tag for your bags. No more flimsy paper tags that tear off mid-flight.

2. The Analogue Guide Books for London and NYC. More are in the works. Disclaimer: 1/2 of the writing team is a good friend. These books truly guide you to an authentic experience. Sorted by neighborhood as opposed to category (food, drink, etc.), this guide allows you to wander and explore neighborhoods like a local. Find yourself patronizing quaint bookstores (yes, there are still a few), coffee houses, yoga studios, etc., not to mention the biggies (museums, historical sites and the like) but on a local’s level. As a New Yorker for 15 years, I dig everything in this book.

3. A die-cut globe made from chipboard. Fun for a physical mood board.

4. Gorgeous David Klein TWA Africa poster. Who wouldn’t love this? My brother gave me Klein’s TWA New York poster as a gift a few years ago. Wow, what a cool gift.

5. Vintage Air France tin. A fun little resting spot for mail or keys.

6. St. Christopher -patron saint of travel- medallion. I’m not Catholic but I have a thing for saints.

7. Scratch Map. What a fun idea. This would be great hanging above a kitchen table or in the kids’ playroom. Just as fun for adults as it is for kids.

8. Oversized Square Scarf . I’m always looking for the perfect sweater or hoodie to bring on the plane. With that, any iota of style ends up  out the window. Stay awesome and bring the style- this little number is perfect.

9. Crumpled City Maps. How cool- just crumple up this piece of fabric into a ball and cram it in your pocket. Super thin, rip-resistant and waterproof. Of course you could just use your smartphone, but this is so much more fun.

10. Metallic Passport Cover. Because how fun to whip this out at customs. Stamp me, please.


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