Clever Girl

Meet Natalia Goldman, Volatizing’s very own Clever Girl. This is my new feature on cool crafty-wafty ideas from this creative mom of 4 and one of my besties since college. Go Blue! She’s got oodles of ideas.

What to do with all of those ridiculously adorable Christmas cards you’ve collected over the years. Shove them in a box never to be heard from again? Throw them out- Gasp- what would your Aunt Patty think?

My ingenious friend Natalia came up with another brilliant crafty idea. She insists that all of her ideas are recycled inspiration but isn’t that the best kind? And seriously- when is the last time someone had an original idea? No really, seriously… when? As I wax philosophic over here, please indulge me by chiming in below and telling me what you think the last original idea was. I mean, I know Al Gore believes he invented the internet, but come on. And while we’re at it, has there ever been a truly original idea? Will we ever really know? Where is that time travel machine when you need it? Oh, but then there’s that whole space time continuum thing- never mind. Sheesh, I feel like my head’s about to blow off my body- I could spend all day on this one.

But I digress- back to Natalia’s ingenious, recycled, modified, whatever crafty wafty idea: the Clever Christmas Card Flip-Through Ring. This one’s a keeper. She punches 2 holes in her cards using a 3-hole punch (so that the punching is easy and consistent with each card), trims down the oversized ones, and loops 2 oversized rings through to create a no-brainer nostalgic keepsake for your viewing pleasure.

Perfection.  Or as my friend Kristen put it, “Ridonk.”

P.S.: That’s Natalia’s Christmas Card this year, above. Brilliant, right!



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One Response

  1. Toni says:

    Love love love!!! Always kept mine in a box and wondered what to do w/ them!!!

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