
Last week, we were in NY mini-workshopping a new musical called Revival, about the revival of an 80s mega-musical called Stars- the Galactic Dancical (I know, ridiculous- oh, the 80s) and the revival and rekindle of a long lost showmance/love affair. My hubby Christopher, myself and 2 other creative partners, Paige Price and Michael Paternostro- both Broadway biggies- have spent the last year dreaming up the show and this was our first step in seeing it up on its feet. We were so fortunate to have the very talented Sean Martin Hingston along with some exceptional Manhattan Marymount students to help bring our vision to life. It was an amazing learning curve and a terrific start.

Workshops are always so much fun because it’s your chance to really dig in, get courageous, make mistakes, bounce ideas off of one another, and try out your wacky ideas. Some things hilariously fall flat on their face while others may show a glimmer of genius. In any case, it’s so much fun to work out the kinks and see ideas that once were wee notions, brought to life. I love the rehearsal and especially the workshop process. For me, it’s the most inspiring time in theater. I am always so sad when a show is “frozen”. For non-showfolk, that’s when a show is set and no further changes are made before opening. Then you have the piece as it will be known in perpetuity. It is an entirely new and different challenge to keep that same show fresh 8 times a week, but for me there is nothing like the sparks that fly in the rehearsal room.

The talented Chelsea Amoroso (what a great name, right!) sings out. Big career ahead of her- huge. Look out for her- she sings like a bird and looks like a million bucks. Indulge me, I’m having an Army Archerd moment.

And we’re off… Next step- rewrites. Ahh, Showbiz, you gotta love it. Thanks to everyone for playing- what a fantastic week.

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Happy Weekend!

2 Responses

  1. Kelly!!!
    I am so loving this concept.
    Michael was telling me a bit about it and you know I love this kind of stuff.
    Congrats to you all for all your creativity.
    I hope I get to see it one day…perhaps on the great white way.
    I mean if one os to dream..DREAM BIG! love it!

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