Weddings and Cutouts and Bubbles- Oh My!

I always wanted a winter wedding. I actually got married during a downpour in the middle of August- it. was. awesome.- and I wouldn’t change a thing, but there’s something about a winter white wedding that is so fresh and fabulous.

I love this look for a winter wedding. It’s very Carrie Bradshaw Goes to the Rockies. If I were getting married in the winter, I might have to wear this.

My friend Molly eloped this weekend to Aspen with her soon to be hubby and twin boys. It’s going to be a beautiful private and small ceremony in an historic church in Aspen followed by S’Mores and Champagne at the chic and landmarked Hotel Jerome. I picked out the Bollinger NV Special Cuvée for the newlyweds. Tempted by the Chartogne-Taillet, I opted for the more traditional Bollinger as her hubby is kind of old school. Hopefully-if she doesn’t read this blog today- it will be a surprise from our gang of girlfriends. Later they will hold court in the Rock Star booth for sushi at Kenichi. They are going to have a blast.

There is a tight group of us from college that couldn’t bear to miss her wedding (even though we weren’t technically invited as it is an elopement after all), so we all sent our crafty friend Natalia a few photos. She photoshopped them together and made them into a poster so that we can hang out in one of the pews in the church and be present for her wedding. Clearly, we just couldn’t stand not to be there.

Missing a wedding is always such a bummer. I love the idea that if you can’t make it to a friend’s wedding, you can do something creative in your absence like sending a video or a life-sized cutout to take your physical place. My friend Amy sent along a life-sized cutout for my wedding when she and her hubby couldn’t make it. She was 8 months pregnant and living in Hong Kong so she had a good excuse. Still, one of my favorite memories from my wedding is those two hanging out at our reception. A fun idea and a great memory maker.

Almost Real Stand Ups‘ etsy shop will do a 6 foot cut out for $90. Not bad considering you won’t be paying plane fare, accommodations, etc.

Below is Molly’s big surprise at finding us waiting for her in her condo. Very Real Housewives of Ann Arbor. We all went to school together at the University of Michigan so for those of you fellow Wolverines familiar with Chipatis at Pizza Bob’s and Pizza House (I am Team Pizza Bob’s by the way, except for the breadsticks at Pizza House of course- oh college!), my friend Steph came up with a great tagline for our sassy intro: “I know a good Chipati when I see it and I’m not afraid to eat it!”.

The note that accompanied us:

My friend Amy, her hubby and soon to-be-born little one (or rather, their cutout) at my wedding:

Cin Cin and Congrats Molly!

{Image Credit: Carly Mitchell Photography, Molly Griffin and Twin Lens Images}

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2 Responses

  1. Toni says:

    Kelli…..what a marvelous idea! I wish I could see the look on her face when she sees all her friends “are present”! Super sweet!

  2. Cheryl Crandall says:

    Such creativity and wonderful surprise. I know she was thrilled.

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