Just A Little Java For Thought

How much is too much? Coffee, I mean. Ever since the bebes have been strictly on the bottle, I have been on a coffee crazed binge. Well, let’s be honest- I’ve been on an Bialetti-brewed Illy and expensive artisanal coffee shop hipster-decorated latte binge. Delicious- yes. Wallet friendly- no. Healthy- probably not so much. I’m pushing 4 cups a day. I don’t know, everyone’s got their vice right? Mine is maybe one or two too many cups of delicious coffee, oh and dark chocolate. And not just a teeny feminine square per day, but sometimes nearly half a bar. Stop the insanity. Some things are just too good to give up. This all while I’m trying to lose the baby weight- right. But really, how much IS too much? What do you think? What is a sane amount of coffee per day? How many cups do you have? Please do tell.

(Above, a cup from one of my favorite local coffee spots, Northside Social. They use Counter Culture Coffee and boy can they brew a mean cup. I’ve actually caught myself “Mmmmm-ing” aloud. Embarrasing. The food is also great (especially the Spinach, Egg and Vermont Cheddar sandwich on an IPA roll) with a wine bar to boot from 5pm on. Check it out if you’re near DC.)



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8 Responses

  1. Ben says:

    Umm ever since you gave me my Bialetti for Xmas I basically drink the entire thing
    every morning. It wasn’t until I unintenionally ruined it by burning it that I realized
    it was a 9 cup espresso maker. 9 CUPS! Oh well…its good.

  2. Carrie says:

    Okay, I have at least 6 cups of coffee a day, I love it and I am always exhausted!!!! I have heard good things about caffeine, but 6 cups, not to sure!

  3. Ash says:

    Well I will have usually 2-3 cups in the morning and then switch to diet coke! I picked up coffee when I quit diet coke. Then three months later started on diet coke again and kept the coffee too! What the heck???

  4. Lora says:

    I get it! Some weeks are better than others. I am drinking more because I am home
    with Lola but I am trying to switch it up with a high end tea experience. I have to
    say that does the trick. I got the fancy Cuisinart water heater and it brews the H2)
    to the perfect temp. Then I grab some Coconut Green Tea from TeaGschwendner.com.
    Delish and it satisfies. I now have all this tea paraphernalia. Ha!
    Or try grabbing a decaf coffee… you may just like the flavor and then you can cut back on
    the caffeine. But never give up dark chocolate my friend. xo

  5. Jessica says:

    Coffee is a gift from the gods! I am with you on this one (good or bad for our health). I have a latte in the morning, we splurged on a Nespresso machine:). Then I get a regular coffee later in the day knowing it has more caffeine(!) So addicted but it could be worse right? I say the pleasure of the amazing aroma, the cozy warmth, the creamy froth, the satisfying flavor, plus the designs on the top make for so much to love in one cup it would be a crime to give it up right!?

  6. Cheryl Crandall says:

    I only drink 1 1/2 cups b/c I start doing something, leave the cup behind, don’t get back to it until later, it’s cold so I make a new one and process starts all over again. I’m very particular though about my coffee – strong, full of flavor – no weak stuff for me.

    Found this article I thought was interesting and full of facts of caffeine usage per day. Peruse if you like.


  7. Cheryl Crandall says:

    p.s. My life long motto: everything in moderation

  8. Hummm this is a tricky.
    I love a good coffee and depending on where I get if from I would say I average 2 to 3 a day, but truth be told I rarely finish my cups.
    Im quite sensitive to caffeine so I have to be careful.
    How about trying with maybe your last cup of the day half caf half decaf?
    oh I know it’s not the same:
    Gorilla coffee in Brooklyn is awesome and there I could easily drink 2 cups back to back.

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