Happy Weekend!

Oh give me floor, lots of floor… We let the bebes loose in the dance studio yesterday- pretty great. This picture pretty much says it all. I’m looking forward to a low key weekend. We’ll get our weekly dose of Shark Tank tonight (I know, so dorky- but we are obsessed with that show) take some walks, drink some vino of the bubbly persuasion (carbonation really does help the winter doldrums) and just chill. Wishing I was off to Austin to attend SXSW but instead I’m working up a kickass guide for all those Austin bound, be sure to look out for it. How about you? Pray tell what you are doing this fine weekend.

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6 comments | Tags: kiddos

6 Responses

  1. Amy says:

    Let’s see: take Lila to soccer class (football over here), go to the beach, buy the baby a bigger crib (since much to my dislike she is growing up), out to dinner at a fab Italian place with friends, and a two-year-old’s birthday party on the beach tomorrow afternoon. Oh and tomorrow night is movie night: thinking we’ll watch Willie Wonka. I may be more excited about that than my four-year-old…

  2. Cheryl Crandall says:

    spring cleaning here.

    photo of bebes is too much. I cannot stand it.

  3. Toni says:

    Recuperating from strep! Trying to keep my germs to myself. Looking at pictures of Ian’s first soccer game…oh, so cute.
    Just like those precious two of yours!

  4. Molly says:

    What in the world?? This photo is ridiculous. So cute. Gigi’s face reminds me
    of your “I’m a CAGED ANIMAL!” from college.

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