Just a Few Things

My mind is a bit of a jumble today as I scrambled to make my 8am train from NY back to DC. Made it. Did get on the wrong train, but it’s all good- headed to the same place. Whew. This is what 9 month old twins do to a 37 year old brain and I even had the night off.

A few random thoughts for the day:

1. Tick Tock, Ya Don’t Stop

You gotta love NYC Cabbies. I left my friend’s West Village abode at 7:43, hailed a taxi and was inside Penn Station at 7:49. Yes. In DC, the cabbies operate on an entirely different clock. You actually have to ask them to make it snappy. NYC cabbies- for all their faults- know what time it is.

2. Motown Mary

While zipping through Penn Station trying to grab a last minute latte and NY bagel, I spotted my pal Ariana Debose all dressed up as a young Mary Wilson, smiling down at me. Well, lookie-loo I thought, there she is, Little Miss Broadway. At 22, she’s on her 2nd Broadway show with a giant poster splattered all over NYC to boot. Hooray and go girl. More from Miss Ari later this month as she gives us a sneak peak into her Motown world working with legend Berry Gordy and costume fittings with Project Runway favorite and Motown designer, Emilio Sosa.

4. The Crib Dibbler

Need I say more? We gave this to my friend Katy last night at her baby shower as a gag gift. She stared at it for about 2 seconds before saying (1/2 laughing 1/2 horrified), “Is this for real?” Pretty funny. There’s a whole slew of prank boxed gifts here. I love a good prank.

5. “Hey, Twitter Twat-WTF!”

Lastly, let’s talk about House of Cards.

I’m probably the last person on the planet that’s watching this series to STILL be watching. I couldn’t subscribe to the binge viewing that is sweeping the nation. Not because I don’t want to, but because I’m literally too tired to. My twin-induced octogenarian sleep habits prohibit me from staying lucid past 9:30. Sad, right? Well, what can I say- the bebes are still not sleeping all the way through the night. Well, one of them is, but alas… In any case, I am on the early bird special so after I get the bebes to bed, I’m good for an episode of Jeopardy and 1 episode of House of Cards. I know, so dorky right!

I have to say, I am really digging it. It took me a few episodes in to really get hooked. I didn’t really know who I was rooting for as the characters all seemed really cold and unlikeable but the onion has started to peel its layers and I am Team Claire all the way. Robin Wright’s portrayal is nuanced, calculated and vulnerable all at once. I’m kind of in love with her. The best lines of the series though have to be the words that come out of Janine Skorsky’s mouth. My favorite line of the series to date “Hey, Twitter Twat- WTF!” Now, that’s good writing.

Any random thoughts flooding your brain today? Do tell…

{Images: wired.com, stuartwilde.com}


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6 Responses

  1. Cheryl Crandall says:

    My random thoughts are not nearly this fun.

  2. Ben says:

    i think you need to try the crib dribbler out to see if it’ll actually work. Then you can get a doggie door and before you know it, no need for a babysitter. boom.

  3. Aunt Kathy says:

    Count me in for the Motown Thang…………………part black you know, feel the spirit.
    Maybe I can drag our music MAMA along and we can do it right!
    Keep writing, but most of all keep sharing and don’t forget those damn pics of the bebes!
    Love to all four!

  4. kelly says:

    you said it Benny!

  5. natalia says:

    almost peed myself when saw crib dribbler.. now thats hilarious

  6. kelly says:

    so funny!

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