Snow Day!


Stir ingredients together slowly and simmer throughout the day.

Serves: 1-however many you may be sharing your snowy day with.

My kids are still pretty little so when a snowy day arrives, I don’t have to scramble for fun and creative indoor crafts. We’re good just singing, playing and reading. So for now, I enjoy a good book during their naps, a nice smelling clean scent in the air, warm and comfy clothes, comfort food and vino once the bebes have been put to bed and old school game with the hubby. This makes for a pretty spectacular day. Let’s break it down.

1. Candles: as long as they smell delicious and burn clean, we’re good. If you read my blog, you know I’m a huge fan of the Tisane candles. This one smells of “a stone cottage in the Welsh countryside; rain drops and moss. Walk down country lanes in a landscape where magic fills the air.” Ok, works for me. These little candles really are magic.

2. Jardin des Orangers cashmere pullover. It ain’t cheap, but you’ll have it forever- provided you don’t have moths.

3. Tevana Blueberry Bliss Rooibos Tea. Just delicious.

4. The best hot chocolate on earth. Ok, I didn’t have this today because I’m not in Paris. But soon Angelina Paris’ world famous hot chocolate will be available online. Yippee Kay Yay!

5. What can I say- I love Terry Gross. I’ve loved her for years and she never disappoints. I usually just catch Fresh Air in the car but snowy days are a great excuse to search the archives. She’s on a Supreme Court roll this week. Her interview with Sandra Day O’Connor is quite something- now that’s a lady that doesn’t give anything away- tough crowd. An uncomfortably fascinating listen.

6. Books! Yay for books- the old fashioned kind. I dug out my hardcover copy of Reflections Of A Wine Merchant. My husband gave this to me just after we were married and it is what got me into the wine business. A romantic and nostalgic look at wine merchant and importer Neal Rosenthal’s life, he tells tales of tasting with Italian winemakers in cellars that their great grandfathers tasted in, spitting vino on the proper angle into the corner of said cellars, hiking up sheep filled hillsides to meet with vintners and the hits just keep on coming. Such a fun read if you’re into that stuff. And we broke out Ezra Jack Keats’ The Snowy Day. Can I just say Wow! The story is so endearing and illustrations- Fabulous. My favorite is that of the bathroom floor- see above. I think the kiddos liked it too.

7. Backgammon- because who doesn’t like a good old fashioned game of backgammon. In our next house, I am designating a corner for a game table. I think it’s important to devote time and space to game playing in one’s life. Games are the best- an afternoon playing games is one you will remember. And what’s life about other than making memories, right? Vintage seafoam green backgammon set on etsy.

8. And last but not least- comfort food. This kind of seals the deal on a cold wintery day. You just sort of have to indulge- it’s the rules, isn’t it? My comfort food of choice- an authentic margherita pizza and a Sagrantino wine. Paolo Bea is my first choice. If I could afford it, I’d go for the straight up sagrantino- 100% sagrantino grape but alas, it’s not a $60 bottle night. I’m going for the San Valentino blend instead. Anything from Bea is pretty killer and at half the price, this will do.

What are your ingredients for the perfect snow day?


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3 Responses

  1. Amy says:

    Can I come over to your house?! We don’t have snow days here but typhoon days usually consist of battening down the hatches, playing with Play-doh, painting, and watching movies all day. And pretty much every night consists of vino after the littleys are asleep :)

  2. natalia says:

    no snow day here… nada. zilch. dry and windy.
    But LOVE these ideas… will be trying some soon. gracias!

  3. Toni says:

    Oh, I love Ezra Keats and Snowy Day is my favorite!! Loved this! Alas, no snow days here…..

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