Happy Weekend!

Jane Birkin in the kitchen with her kids. I love this.

Happy Weekend to you all! We’ll be Amtraking it back from NYC to hang with the grandparents CiCi (aka my mom), Papa Jacques (aka my father-in-law) and the bebes. We’ve got lots of fun plans- brunch at DC’s Tabard Inn, (this place eludes me, got a rezzie a month in advance) another wine class at Grape + Bean (love these guys: this time Brunellos and Super Tuscans including Casanova di Neri- y.u.m.) and a day trip to Annapolis to visit my niece who is studying at St. John’s and partake in some Maryland crabs at Cantler’s Riverside Inn. It is action packed- just the way I like it.

A Little Link Love:

This Brooklyn hotel looks amazing, love the signage.

Talk about a conversation piece. This DIY runner makes for some good table talk.

Sign me up for this wine tasting weekend in Bordeaux!

Suffering from insomnia or just can’t get back to sleep after your little one wakes you? Apartment Therapy names this the most relaxing song ever.

I love these metallic storage bins.

This photo of this darling bambina inspires me to become a better photographer.

This new Sundance Channel show created by Ray McKinnon of Deadwood and from the producers of Breaking Bad sounds interesting.

The stock market gets spooked by social media, this is a little scary.

A mango and strawberry paleta in Tulum- yum. If you’re not headed to Mexico anytime soon, make your own. The Pineapple-Chile paleta sounds fab.

Make your own sparkling herbal water or infuse your still water with Jaime Oliver’s quick and easy recipes.

I’m so DIY’ing this updated take on Julia Child’s pots and pans pegboard in my next kitchen. Love the grey paint with the bright white shadows.

And ok, I just had to include this. This is the most insanely ridiculous thing I have ever read and now heard. Read by Michael Shannon, this is the letter that the University of Maryland sorority present actually emailed to her sisters. What. Is. Happening. This chick needs a hobby. WARNING: big time profanity.

Cin Cin and Happy Weekend! What are you all up to?


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