Lora’s Easy Stretch: A Great Way To Start Your Week

Meet Lora Anderson, Volatizing’s own Mind & Body Babe. A pal back from my dancing days in LA, Lora and I have always remained good friends. We went to her amazing Sayulita wedding two years ago, truly one of the most beautiful and fun weddings I have ever had the pleasure of attending. There was so much fun going on at that party it was ridiculous. She’s got a lot going on- she just had her baby girl, Lola Jolie, this past year, moved in to a mid-century home in LA’s Studio City (pretty much my dream home!) and runs a thriving Pilates business. Lora is a girl who lives life to the fullest, doesn’t miss a beat and manages to stay centered amidst all the fun she’s kicking up.

A Radio City Rockette for years, she has since opened a little pilates empire with her biz partner, Nichole Martinez-Barreto. They have two studios in LA and a newly opened studio in Austin. These girls kick butt. I look to Lora for tips on how to stay in shape and mostly how to feel good post dance career. She is the queen of living what she loves and is a constant inspiration to me. She surfs (like a fiend!), she spends quality time outdoors, she teaches, she’s a great mom and wife, and she stops to smell the roses and watch the sunsets. She’s pretty much a badass.

Her first easy exercise is a simple stretch to start your day. A great chest opener to help you feel open and ready for your week, it’s also really relaxing, a little like meditation via stretch- I dig it. This is great for moms that are breast feeding, toting around tots, or for anyone who sits at a desk all day long. All you need is a theraband. We dancing folk have drawers full of these things, they are a helpful tool to stretch out those neglected muscles. Pick one up for $10 here and check out a few other theraband stretches here.

Lora’s easy chest opener, of course it helps if you have a backdrop like this (she was vacationing in Hawaii) but your living room floor will do just fine.

Voilà and thanks Lora. If you live in LA or Austin, check out her amazing studios, Pilates Studio City and Pilates South Austin here.


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2 Responses

  1. Jane says:

    Great stretch

  2. Toni says:

    Starting it in the am….every day!!

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