Throwback Thursday

Depeche Mode’s on tour, Jurassic Park opens this Friday in a one week 3D release and I spied this cd at Starbucks where everyone on the cover looks like they just walked out of my freshman dorm. Visions of girls in oversized flannel shirts flood my brain while Liz Phair, the Indigo Girls and the rest of those Lilith Fair ladies harmonize in my head and that damn Counting Crows song never stops playing. Ahh yes, the early/mid 90s.

And as for Jurassic Park’s re-release, do we really need it? Why yes, yes we do. This is one of those movies I can and have watched countless times. I don’t quite know what it is but I know Jeff Goldblum has something to do with it. He has the single best line in the movie. After narrowly escaping a terrifying T-Rex attack, he mutters, “Think they’ll have that on the tour?” Only Goldblum could make that line sing with such deliciously sly sarcasm. Yes, we need to see this in 3D. I’m there. What say you?

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One Response

  1. Cheryl Crandall says:

    count me in.

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