What Fredo’s Drinking

Happy Monday. Nothing like talk of cocktails and characters to start off the week. Ever wonder what your favorite characters of literature and film are drinking? Ever cementing his fate as the true black sheep of the Corleone family, Fredo prefers a banana daiquiri. With a drink like that, you can tell he’s toast. It’s altogether a new kind of character study- method acting to its cocktail core.

A fun little chart by the kids at Pop Chart Lab. If I had a bar, I might have to hang this up- a great conversation piece.

cocktail chart of film and literature


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2 Responses

  1. Ben Crandall says:

    What a kickass chart! Perfect for the bar and a good reminder for must see movies.

  2. Cheryl Crandall says:

    Love this. Since I’m now the proud owner of a bar, I just might order this. Thanks. Great idea.

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