Happy Weekend!

just jack

Oh Jack, you are so cool. This Vanity Fair photo is kind of the perfect way to kick off the weekend, with a wink and a smile. Thanks Jack.

I hope you’re all off to a fabulous weekend. This link love roundup is a wee tad smaller than usual as I am busy prepping for a shoot this Monday with Anthology Magazine. I will be hosting a Virginia wine pairing dinner party for my family at a local Virginia vineyard for the story, so I’m busy planning menus and tasting through lots of VA. wine. So fun. If you all have any suggestions for me, please send them along. We are doing sort of a picnic chic theme. Lots of yummy French inspired food centered around what’s in season, so lots of ripe fruit and produce. Fun. I hope you all have a great weekend.

Just a little link love:

This article speaks volumes about the state of our society with regard to technology. Thank you for writing it, Mr. Wilson and shame, Apple.

This Texas teacher has been keepin’ it real since ’73.

A photo field trip with these guys in Provence- sign me up.

Writers and the cheeses that remind us of them.

The world has gone airstream crazy. Taste some Sea Fog Sauvignon Blanc at The Grade Cellars’ Calistoga Airstream.

Cin Cin!

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4 Responses

  1. Cheryl Crandall says:

    That teacher is hilarious.

  2. Natalia says:

    You go girl! Good luck tmrw. Very excited to see how it goes!

  3. E says:

    That’s fantastic, Kelly! :)
    Good on you, my darling cousin!
    Much love!

  4. E says:

    P.S. I LOVE picnics!

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