The Nose Knows

On my nightstand these days (along with Nurture Shock which I’m finding endlessly fascinating) is The Diary of a Nose: A Year in the Life of a Parfumeur. Tales from the head Nose of Hermés, Jean-Claude Ellena.

the nose

I’m fascinated by people who work professionally as a Nose or “Le Nez” as they call them in the mother country. As a wino, I used my nose for work as a sommelier and rep and continue to do so as a Diploma student. But a perfume Nose is an entirely different ball of wax. Sure, a winemaker uses his nose (and taste) to build his elixir, but a Nose uses only his one sense- that almighty olfactory one- to create a scent. It is kind of mind blowing to think about how a Nose can manage to maintain his subjectivity and perspective when constantly surrounded by scent. When I attend an industry tasting and have upwards of 300 sips of wine (with spitting of course), I start to lose it around the 50th sip, and that’s being generous.

These guys spend their lives in the lab in the midst of musk, floral, citrus and even gamey notes. Mind you, they’re probably hanging out in a pretty nice lab if they’re sniffing it up at Hermés or Givenchy. It’s not exactly like they’re spending their days in an office park in Los Alamos, but still.

If you’re curious about what the experience might be like, Maison Guerlain Paris offers a Fragrance Workshop where you learn from the pros in their flagship store (totally worth a visit even if you don’t do the workshop) and even concoct your own scent for 50 euros. Anne McClain of MCMC in Brooklyn also offers custom classes. The classes are taught by her and will run you a bit more for the up close and personal experience. McClain is classically trained at the Grasse Institute of Perfumery in southern France, the Harvard of fragrance education.

fragrance workshops

Here is a run down of other perfumeries and mix masters offering workshops and classes. Put it on the list- more fun stuff to do.

{Images: Getty, Beauty Gazette, Lianna Tarantin}

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Couch Tripping: Eco del Mare

Couch Tripping Eco del Mare

Ok, I found my new dream destination- a private cove, a mind-blowingly beautiful hotel, and fresh Italian seafood under the stars paired with a local Vermentino. Days with nothing else to do but stare at the sea, swim in its Mediterranean waves, steal its shells and eat its bounty… Come. On.

This, amici mei, is la dolce vita. Eco del Mare. Very near the well known Cinque Terre, this place looks like a dream. It’s expensive but if you don’t want to blow your wad on a night in the hotel, stay nearby and just use this pretty place for its beach club by day.

A few swoon-worthy photos:

eco del mare

eco del mare

That’ll do.

Eco Del Mare: A day at the beach for 2 people with umbrella and chaise lounges will run you about $100- it’s an expensive day but it looks to be memorable.

{Images: Eco Del Mare}

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