Get ‘Em While They’re Hot (60 Years Later)

A veritable field of dreams for classic car geeks, the Lambrecht Chevy dealership is auctioning off their more than 500 classic cars. Yes that’s right. One dealership in Nevada has a collection of over 500 classic cars, mostly Chevys. It’s like stepping into a time warp. They’re calling it the auction of a lifetime- nirvana for car geeks and I do love a geek.

Lambrecht Chevrolet
Mildred Lambrecht and son outside their dealership in a ’53 Chevy Corvette

Ray Lambrecht, the owner of the dealership, made a practice of taking a trade-in car and storing it away, a master at selling only new cars. He collected and housed hundreds of cars dating back to just after World War II- talk about a classic car graveyard. Now in their 90s, Mildred and Ray decided it was finally time to unveil and unload their mammoth classic car collection. VanDerBrink Auctions will be holding the auction- details here.

I’d love to pop over and take a peek before they all go to their happy new owners- to see that many classic cars in one space must be a sight to see. The auction is taking place September 28th and 29th, so if you are a car geek, well… you have probably already heard about this and have booked your travel to the Cornhusker state. Pretty cool.

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