Happy Weekend!

Cool Rider

Back to School- I know lots of your littles headed back this past week. Seeing all the cute pics on Facebook, it brought back so many memories all of those first days back. Who will be in my classes, who will I eat lunch with, where will my locker be and what the heck do I wear- don’t we all wish we could have rocked the Stephanie Zinone look on our first day back. It doesn’t get much cooler than Michelle Pfeiffer as the Pink Lady singing Cool Rider (above)- bad. ass.

I hope you’re off to a fun-filled weekend. No big plans over here- just some swim time at the town pool and parks and playgrounds.

happy weekend

A little link love:

This week is a little shelter-centric. In my mind, I’m concocting my dream house. It may be a while before we see our dream home, but that’s ok- it’s fun just finding inspiration.

1. 26 Reasons Grease 2 is better than Grease. Basically, no one’s cooler than Stephanie Zinone. I just love how she doesn’t want no ordinary guy coming on strong with her. I know every single frame, word and lyric of this movie- it’s genius. Say what you will about the sequel, but for me Grease 2 reigns supreme.

2. How am I just now jumping on the Lulu & Georgia train? Thank you Pinterest for introducing me to this fine establishment.

3. This is an easy DIY entryway via Glitter Guide’s Instagram feed. The desk could be a thrifty find punched up with simple brass hardware. Target used to sell these cute little coral x benches but you can still get these for $79 and give them this makeover via Style Me Pretty Living- sounds pretty easy and Kelly-proof (I’m not the greatest DIYer).

4. I had to pick this up. A super cute color block denim dress with pockets and an exposed zipper in back. $59, cute and it hides my post-baby tummy that will not mind its owner and hibernate already.

5. Anna Wintour makes her debut appearance half-veiled by her magazine via Vogue’s instagram account. She’s officially been voguestagrammed. Slow to embrace social media, Wintour is purportedly making her appearance in the name of the infamous September Issue.

6. Georgia O’Keefe reveals her younger self via vintage documentary footage. Cool.

7. I am loving these DIY abstract stained glass plates that Emily Henderson is making for her Fig House project. Are these cool or what!

8. How to cook your carrots stovetop?

{Images: Georgia O’Keefe: Alfred Steiglitz, stained glass: Emily Henderson, carrots: Emily Ho}

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Five Groovy Things
Happy Weekend!

5 Responses

  1. Ben Crandall says:

    Its embarassing how many times I’ve seen that movie. Product of an older sister.

  2. Lauren says:

    Sorry Kelly, but I have to STRONGLY disagree. Grease is far superior to Grease 2. Cool Rider is a badass song, though.

  3. kelly says:

    you say potato- i say… well you know. Grease is awesome, but Grease 2-epic. xoxo

  4. kelly says:

    i do love that you’re old school though Lauren!

  5. toni says:

    Michelle is my absolute favorite! But have to say, I’m pretty excited about NOT going back to school ~ but am excited for all my friends.

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