Happy Weekend!

gallery wall and striped settee

I love a gallery wall. I shall one day enjoy one complete with a striped settee- totally going to copy this look.

Happy Weekend dear readers! I hope you have an excellent Labor Day as we officially kiss summer goodbye. Arrivederci summertime- ’til next year. I hope you have some fun plans. No biggies over here, just hangin’ round.

So… among more important things that occurred this past week, this happened:

I had to google the word “twerk”.

I endured a 7 hour bus ride to NYC (should have been 4.5). I know, whoa is me, right- 1st world problems- but when you get into the wine industry because you have a good “nose”, there is inevitably a downside. This said bus was wafting with an intense bouquet of ripe b.o. Yes you read that right. Having an acute olfactory system is awesome when you’re sniffing the good stuff but man oh man, I wish I could turn this thing off when things go wrong.

I caught up with my fabulous and dear friend Cristy and we stayed up talking way past my bedtime.

My kiddos are just getting funnier by the minute- it’s awesome.

I played charades with mom and brother via text. I did. And I guessed the clue with only a few characters. It’s a new world, folks.

Matt Damon comes to Ben Affleck’s rescue, “You know, he’s not playing King Lear. It’s Batman!”. Nice. What are you trying to say Damon? Affleck can’t do Lear? Ha. I personally think Ben will be a stellar Batman and loved Patton Oswalt’s thoughts.

“I’m the King of the Barbarians!” Tortured though he may be, Mike Tyson never disappoints with an amazing sound bite.

And as always, a little link love:

happy weekend

1. Support our dear friend Super Maeve by sporting one of these cute tees in her honor. Her inspiring parents are hoping to raise awareness for children’s cancer with this project. Maeve is the most amazing two year-old bravely fighting a rare form of cancer and kicking its butt. All hail Super Maeve!

2. Twerk Schmerk-this guy can take Miley any day with his mad Vogue-ing skills.

3. This is just fantastic!

4. I love Caitlin MacGauley’s illustrations. I just bought this leopard print for my desk.

5. And then saw this photo with my envelope in her bike basket via her instagram account- what a weird world.

6. I can’t wait to read this. Marilyn Hagerty’s book on food in America with a foreword by Anthony Bourdain. You probably recognize the 87 year-old Hagerty from her numerous tv appearances when her review of an Olive Garden restaurant went viral. Her earnest review started a snarkfest and Bourdain quickly rushed to her defense. In the foreword he writes that, “this book kills snark dead”. I like it.

7. On the flip side, I’m psyched about all of the chic-chic fall restaurant openings – especially Contra and Ivan Ramen in NYC (and if I still lived in Hell’s Kitchen I’d be psyched about Gotham West Market), Shoo-Fly in Baltimore and Maketto in DC.

And… this is silly and worth a few minutes: Sh*t Southern Women Say- this sh*t is funny- these gals are great.

{Images: Jenny Komenda Little Green Notebook, Nowness, Caitlin McGauley}

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Happy Weekend!
Happy Weekend!

3 Responses

  1. Cheryl Crandall says:

    done and done on Maeve – wonderful idea for a wonderful cause – bought 2. Thanks for posting this, Kelly.

    Kristen and Sarah moment onstage – gave me goose bumps and I think I shed a tear or two – so beautiful.

    Saw Marilyn’s interview on Today Show this week – she’s great!! And, so love our colorful Anthony B.

  2. toni says:

    Love the gallery wall….sent you a pic of mine…tho the sofa isn’t quite as cute, it did belong to my great grandmother!

  3. kelly says:

    wow! Toni, I love your gallery wall and sofa- love even more that it’s your great grandmothers. How great!

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