Mom Vacay- Sort Of

mom vacay

Hi all and Happy Monday! I have been hard at work on a new project where I am back to my creative first love- theater. I’m working with a dear friend and super talented Broadway director/choreographer Lisa Shriver. We met years ago on my first big NY show- Susan Stroman’s A Christmas Carol. She was Stro’s (as the Bdwy world lovingly refers to her) assistant and I was the swing. I learned 12 different tracks in less than 3 weeks and went on for nearly all of them- total baptism by fire. Despite the fact that I thought I was having a nervous breakdown, it was a great experience and I got to meet Lisa. She and I have worked together on lots of fun projects throughout the years including Paul Newman’s Hole in the Wall Gang benefit at Lincoln Center (where I actually got to meet Mr. Newman himself- only one of the best moments in my life) and Disney’s A Christmas Carol, the motion capture flick starring Jim Carrey. What a hoot that was. 6 weeks in LA working with Colin Firth, Bob Hoskins, Carey Elwes, Mr. Carrey and director Robert Zemeckis. A dream job to be sure and the residuals paid for both a trip to Provence and the bebes’ nursery.

Which brings me to those bebes. This is my first job that has taken me out of town for more than a day and a half from my darling kiddos. I thought it would be good for me to get back to my creative roots and work on a new show, especially with Lisa, but I was really worried and had lots of anxiety about being away from my kids for a week. It has been hard and I can’t believe how much I miss those toots but it has also been really good for me. A sort of mom vacay with lots of (fun) work. The photo above was a recent morning when I actually had some time to drink a cup of coffee and read the actual print version of the Sunday Times I had been saving for a rainy (thought it was actually sunny) day- the Travel section of course. That simple quiet moment led me to my latest big idea brainstorm (currently in the works- hopefully with details to come). It’s great to remind yourself of who you are, be creative and have a little time to yourself. All that said, I absolutely cannot wait to see my bebes and it has proved to be a little bit too long away from them after all.

What do you all think about mom vacays/time away from your kiddos? What is the longest that you’ve been away from them? I would love to hear from you.

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Happy Weekend!

One Response

  1. toni says:

    I know it’s been hard to be away…..but we know they are in superlative hands!!!

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