“that’s the power of love”

Much Love

To quote my pal Huey- and yes, I can actually call Mr. Lewis a pal if you can believe it- (I did Chicago with the frontman of The News and enjoyed a post-show shot of Jack Daniels in his dressing room 8 shows a week- ahh, those were the days) – a little love and positivity can go a long way baby, “that’s the power of love”. I’m not talking about the starry-eyed, dreamy kind of love (although that’s nice too), I’m talking about the deliberate act of love and positive living that promotes happiness and a healthy well being- quite literally.

Case in point, this past week one of my best friends endured a harrowing ordeal. Her darling 4 month-old baby girl underwent heart surgery to repair a hole in her heart. She asked her friends and family to send out positive thoughts and prayers and we in turn, asked our loved ones to send out the same sweet sentiments. Her baby girl did great and is on the road to recovery. My friend said that she could actually feel the love being sent her way and that it was the only thing that allowed her to remain calm and positive throughout the process. She described it as supernatural. Wow. I was kind of blown away by this. In a world where we are constantly bombarded with sad and fear-filling news, there’s so much to be said for the flip side and to be able to give the simple gift of love and positivity is such a blessing.

On the day of surgery, as I was strolling the bebes, I spotted this lovable graffiti (pictured above) not a block from my house. It was just what I needed to see exactly when I needed to see it. I’ve walked past this lovely message countless times and never once noticed it. It was a nice reminder that the good stuff is out there in the world- aplenty. It is a constant quest and challenge to pay more attention to the love in the world, receive it when it is there for the taking and give it out as much as possible. I’d like to get better at it. A little love goes a long, long way and it’s kind of what life’s all about, right? Thanks for the sentiment, Huey (and the awesome tune).

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2 Responses

  1. Cheryl Crandall says:

    wonderful post.

  2. Amy says:

    I love this post. And I’d like to get better at it too: love you, Kel!

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