Happy Weekend!

backyard movie night

Happy Weekend dear readers! What adventures are afoot for you all this autumn weekend? I wish I could say we’re hosting one of our infamous backyard movie nights but we don’t have a backyard. The minute I get my hands on one, this is going down every Friday night that weather permits. Come on over, I’ll let you know when we’re outdoor cinema ready.

No-backyard aside, we have an action packed agenda (just the way I like ‘em). C and I are off to see Gravity tonight and then bar hop a bit through Old Town for an upcoming post I’m working on- gotta love when work involves sipping around town. Tomorrow my brother Matt and my sister-in-law Wendy are hosting their very first Hobbit Hole party. You read that right folks. They have built- strike that- constructed an entire facade that looks just like Bilbo’s Shire abode, right in the comfort of their own backyard. They enjoy their afternoon tea on the front porch of what they call their Bag ‘End. I love it, it is wacky and so them. I have yet to see the finished product, so we are looking forward to it indeed. Next up, an outing to the Kennedy Center to catch Hubbard Street while they’re in town. This is the one company in America that makes me wish I had pursued concert dance. I’m thrilled with my career and Broadway was the dream but Hubbard Street makes me swoon. Have you seen them?

My Weekend Wine:

sip and cook

I’m hooked on Lompoc these days, so I’m sticking with the Central Coast. I tend to do that- drink a certain region until I’m ready to dive into another. It makes me feel more connected to the region and gives me a greater appreciation for the wines.

I’m trying a Cab Franc from the Santa Ynez Valley, Lieu Dit. I’m a little dubious as the Loire and the Central Coast aren’t  really anywhere near the same climate and we all know that the world’s most gush-worthy Cab Franc hails from that heavenly French valley, right? Please pipe up if you disagree.

The Loire is quite a bit cooler giving those delicious Cab Francs those classic lead pencil and green pepper notes. I’m thinking the Lompoc Cab Franc has got to be rounder, riper and less lean, not qualities I love in a Cab Franc. But I’m curious. This one has great pedigree, a joint venture between Somm Eric Railsback (of RN74 and Les Marchands) and Justin Willett of Tyler Winery, which turns out some great juice. These guys know what they’re doing so I’m excited to try it out. I’m pairing it with The Kinfolk Table‘s “Perfect Roast Chicken” from their beautiful new cookbook.

A Few Things:

happy weekend

1. This stay-at-home mom’s cute food has made her famous. Hey, ya gotta have a gimmick.

2. DIY Leaf Animals- so cute.

3. Speaking of moms, Kid & Coe is a genius new company devoted to family vacation rentals. LOVE IT.

4. This print is entitled Can I Get A Witness? I would buy it just for that title (well not really, but maybe). That and that bright pink splotch. 30% off now at Furbish studio with the code FALLWALL.

5. 15 recipes every parent should know.

6. I can’t wait to dig in to this month’s Vanity Fair. I have to agree with the editors of VF, Jay-Z kind of is our the modern Frank Sinatra, the chairman if you will. I’m a fan. What do you think of Mr. Carter?

And Another Thing(s):

This essay by Amy Poehler in The New Yorker. A snapshot in the life of her teenage self , she reveals how a summer job scooping ice cream and playing the kazoo her career choice- thank you Chadwick’s Ice Cream Shop for giving us Amy Poehler.

This is totally awesome. Zen-ful power!

This looks like the worst vacation ever, well maybe not ever but it looks pretty terrible to me. A Twitter-centric hotel. Ugh.

Oreos may be as addictive as heroine? Say what?

Great interview with American classic, Billy Crystal on Fresh Air.

{Images: Backyard Movie Night: Laura Dart, Jay-Z: Mario Testino}

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Happy Weekend!
Happy Weekend!

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