Happy Weekend!

Oh Julia!

Oh Julia, ’tis true. Happy Weekend dear readers. I hope this finds you all cozy and warm. We are having a big cold spurt here, the first of the season. My mom is in town so we’re going to hit up Mount Vernon for its annual fall festival and a local Halloween parade on Sunday. What are you all up to?

What I’m Drinking This Weekend:

You guessed it, it’s another Central Coast Pinot. I’m still loving on these Pinots (always will but having a particular taste for them at the moment), good stuff and great for fall. I’ll be chewing and swirling this one around with some honey-drizzled and ricotta-topped figs. Recipe to come.

2011 Jack Hammer Pinot : at 13 bucks, you can’t beat it. Full tasting note to come.

A Few Things:

a few things

Clever. The answer to all of my closet-less woes. An Ode to the Pax by the genius DIY’er Jenny Komenda. This customed wardrobe is no big box closet. It is swank-a-roo. Less than half the cost of a custom built closer, I am filing this one away for the dream house. Fo Sho.

Brilliant. Sam Wasson brings his Jazz Hands A game to this short teaser for his new Fosse bio. Nathan Lane, Andrea Martin and the almighty Liza make cameo appearances. Hilarious. If you know anything about the brilliant dance maker Bob Fosse, you’ll love this. All That Jazz is required viewing for maximum appreciation. Plus, if you haven’t seen it then… well, why not? I’m talking to you Lauren, it’s only one of the greatest movies ever made in my humble and Fosse-fanatic opinion.

Creative. The Yellow Table’s Anna Watson Carl realizes a dream. She’s writing a cookbook and has given herself 5 months to create 100 recipes. Follow along with The Cookbook Diaries.

Groovy. I like Jaime Derringer’s abstract work.

Repulsive. On all levels. In light of our recent government meltdown, we’ve taken to watching the West Wing and longing for a better era. That show just makes you feel all warm and fuzzy unlike the current state of American politics. Ugh.

Cool! A stick figure baby for Halloween. I might have to do this next year.

Kind. Tell a friend (or a stranger) that she’s a good momma. A little goes a long way.

Creepy? Justice Scalia believes in the devil. This piece is Halloween apropos.

Spooky. According to a recent study, the country of Japan will have its last Japanese baby in the year 3000. Say what?  The Last Japanese Baby- it sounds like a new Sci-Fi film starring Will and Jaden Smith. Can they save the last Japanese baby? What do you think? There have been lots of books released lately on the issue, an interesting topic.

And lastly:

What will you be this Halloween? I mean you, grown ups. We are invited to a kids birthday party for Halloween and the adults are required to dress up. I’m not usually one for a lack of interest in dreaming up these kinds of things but time is of the essence here. I’ve got two days to pull something together with no budget. What are some funny and easy costumes that you have all thought up over the years? I was once the Night Sky and just wore all black and stuck glow in the dark stars all over myself, but this party’s during the day so that won’t work. I’ve been a Black-Eyed Pea, that one’s easy. C and I went one year as 2 Peas and iPod (get it- yuck yuck). Let me know if you have any easy quick costume ideas.

Cin Cin and Happy Weekend!

Images: {Domino, The Yellow Table}

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One Response

  1. toni says:

    2 Peas and iPod ~ made me laugh! I have no creative mind when it comes to costumes, but did you see all those kid’s costumes in the blog I sent you?
    So excited you and your mom are together…but will you tell her I miss her!!

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