Volatize This: Jack Hammer Pinot

What can I say folks, I’m caught up in a self-inflicted Central Coast Pinot frenzy. I just can’t get enough. And this from a pre-Sideways devotee (big fan since my days as an Angeleno in the late 90s, folks). Seriously the juice from this part of the world just gets better and better. These California winemakers are not messing around. And this one for $13, is right on.

So what do you get for 13 bucks? It can’t be much right? We are talking about Pinot Noir, one of the most tricky and tough grapes to grow. This grape can be a real heartbreaker. And let’s be honest, it’s thirteen dollars. We’re not talking about a mind-blowing bottle here, this one’s not going to change your life. But what you do get is quite a lot for the price.

You get spice, you get crushed berries and most of all you get a well-rounded food friendly wine. I must admit I was a little dubious when I saw the label. Jack Hammer? Really? Does this have a chance in hell of being good with a cutesy name like that? I don’t usually go in for this type of thing, but it delivers. Its bright fruit pairs great with roasted or grilled meats and veggies. If your food is a touch sweet like these figs, it’s a match made in heaven. If your food is a bit savory, the ripeness of the fruit will balance it out. Win win.

Here’s What I Got:

tasting note jack hammer

Cin Cin and Enjoy!

Jack Hammer Pinot Noir

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