Happy Weekend


Happy Weekend dear readers. Please excuse my radio silence as of late. A friend and neighbor of ours passed away this week suddenly of natural causes. He was young and vibrant, only 41, and leaves behind his wife and 4 year-old daughter.

It has been a sad and heartbreaking week and I have not had the inspiration to muster up much else. I always find it to be so surreal when a sudden passing happens. Death is always hard to deal with no matter what form it comes in, but the lack of closure confuses the heart and mind. My thoughts and prayers are with their family.

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Happy Weekend!

3 Responses

  1. toni says:

    So sorry for your loss, Kelly….so very sad. Prayers for that sweet family.

  2. Lora says:

    Praying for his family. So very sad. Xo

  3. Amy says:

    Sending prayers to his family–I can’t imagine the grief they must be experiencing.

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