Happy Weekend!

Photo Booth

It is a heartfelt day in our nation. It’s truly hard to believe that 50 years ago, we lost our President Kennedy. I love this photo of the glamorous First Couple- so filled with hope, youth, and that fabulous toothy grin. To think how our world changed with the loss of this President is truly mind-blowing- if you haven’t seen the excellent documentary, The Fog of War, treat yourself and imagine how things may have been very different.

On to sunshinier things- I’m off on a solo road trip to visit my dear pal Lisa Shriver- Broadway choreographer extraordinaire- down at Busch Gardens Williamsburg. She zshushed up a few of their Christmas shows with her mad New Yorker skills and I’m going down to both take a look and revel in the thousands of Christmas lights. I can’t shake it- I’m a sucker for the holidays. Bring on the cheer.

In other news, we FINALLY found a house that we really love. It’s super cute and will be even cuter once I get my hands on it. Not the mid-century modern I was hoping for, but a great little house. It is truly deep in the burbs but still only about 25 minutes from DC and 20 minutes from Old Town Alexandria where I currently live- and if you read this blog, you know how I love me some Old Town. It’s very exciting but it does have one little quirk- it backs up to the community center and pool. I would love some readerly advice on this- what would you do? The house is great, the only one we’ve found after months and months of house hunting that meets all of our needs and passes the dinner party test- I try to imagine an intimate dinner party in the backyard of each house we look at complete with strung lights, etc. Not many pass that test, it’s a tough one. This one does and gives us plenty of room to spread our wings a bit and grow, not to mention the schools are aces. Advice needed!

What I’m Drinking This Weekend:

I’m going to pop open a bottle of ’05 Domaine du Grapillon d’Or Gigondas if we decide to go for (and get) this house. I’ve been saving this one up since my days as a French import rep. ’05 as you all probably know, was an absolutely stellar year pretty much across the board. Tip: if you’re looking for a great vintage, go for ’05, you really cannot go wrong. Well, maybe you can but it’s not likely. This wine is feminine and girly with hints of violets and flowers but packs a dirty punch and tastes like the earth- just the way I like ‘em. I’m crazy about it. A female winemaker is at the helm here which explains its finesse. I love the newer vintages as well. Find it a ’10 bottle here $27- a deal for a very well made Gigondas. This one is an excellent Turkey Day wine too.

A Few Things:

Totally cute.

How sweet is this. 

A Skinny LaMinx giveaway at Door Sixteen- love her stuff.

Tips for a drama-free Thanksgiving. Ok, I’ll bite.

I’m totally doing this DIY log facade in my (maybe) new fireplace.

Have a good one. Cin Cin and Enjoy!

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Happy Weekend!
Happy Weekend!

One Response

  1. Cheryl Crandall says:

    twin bebe video is amazing.

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