Happy Weekend!

Judy Davis in The Ref

Happy Weekend dear readers. It’s Santa Lucia Day! Cue my annual viewing of one of the most fantastic and hilarious holiday movies ever- The Ref, of course. Have you seen it? If you haven’t, you will not believe it’s taken you so long to see this little masterpiece. It’s seriously unbelievably funny with a killer cast- Kevin Spacey, Judy Davis and Denis Leary, not to mention the hilarious Christine Baranski (“slipper socks… medium”- my favorite line of the movie). The script is flawless. If you don’t mind a little profanity and uncomfortable family gatherings in your holiday movies (just the way I like ‘em), you’ll love it.

What are you all up to this festive weekend? There will be brunching, imbibing, playing (never too much play for those bebes) and general merriment around these parts, and maybe some rest too if I can manage to squeeze that in. We’re taking the bebes to Sesame Street Live tomorrow- woohoo- they love that Elmo so we’ll see what they think. I’m hoping to finally get my Christmas cards out, we’ll see how that goes- doubtful.

What I’m Drinking This Weekend:

I’m popping open a bottle of ’11 Volver tempranillo. I’m kind of in a Spanish mood these days, maybe because I’ve been talking to my friend Alana, of the fab Analogue Guides, who currently lives in Barcelona. Volver was recommended by another wino pal. It’s red, it’s rich, it’s hearty, it’s single vineyard, it’s $12 and it shares the same name as the great Almódovar film- ok, I’ll give it a shot. I’ll let you know what I think on Monday. I’m planning on making this City Bakery Pretzel Chicken as an experiment in whether or not the kiddos and the adults can dine on the same dish- maybe not the most perfect match with the Volver, but the mustard-baked chicken promises to be a hearty so we’ll so how it pairs.

A Few Things: 

This makes my friggin’ day! Faith in humanity restored.

.A rare Redford interview and it’s 40 minutes long with the incomparable Terry Gross. Awesome.

Maureen Corrigan’s Best Books of 2013. If only I had the time or energy to read more than one page a day. Filed away.

A Guide To Napping? Yes please.

Inspiring Holiday Interiors. Pretty.

6 Ways to Use Leftover Wine. Clevah!

7 Kitchen Design Mistakes Everyone Makes. Helpful.


Enjoy your Weekend and Cin Cin!


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2 Responses

  1. Cheryl Crandall says:

    Bravo, Annenberg Foundation, Bravo!!

  2. Toni says:

    Have never seen The Ref…on my to do list this week!!

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