A Little Bubbly With Your Brrrrrrrr?

“It’s cold out, but hold out, and do like I do…”- thank you Carol Bayer Sager, I couldn’t have said it better (she never disappoints). For me, a super cold day calls for a great glass of bubbly- honestly any day calls for a great glass of bubbly, but I digress…

Let’s get down to brass tacks. There’s good bubbly and there’s great bubbly. But the truly great bubbly usually takes a big bite out of one’s bankroll. Enter the affordable grower champagne- “AHHHHH”, I can hear the angels sing. For those of you who regularly read this blog, you know how much I love me a good grower champagne. It’s true that a good grower bottle of bubbly is one of the best things on the planet- it’s definitely in my top ten of best things period, and that’s saying a whole lot. I recently popped open this bad boy and much to my delight (financially and tastebud-ally), I was much more than pleasantly surprised. This one, my dears, is a serious keeper.

I pinched this beauty for no more than a mere $37 at my local Whole Foods and for those of you who know the price of real estate in Champagne, that is a shade less than a miracle in the Champers market. I was doubly delighted when upon researching this little gem, I realized that my pal Mary Margaret McCamic (great alliterative name, right?) imports this finessed and effervescent juice- well she doesn’t per se, but she works for the esteemed importer that does, North Berkeley Imports, and you are hard-pressed to go wrong when you find their label on the back of your newly-bought bottle.

In a word, this Jean Veselle Blanc de Noirs NV Oeil de Perdrix is well… heaven. Really. It’s color alone is swoon-worthy. It’s a salmon-y pink bubbly little glass of heaven, and it’s a blanc de noirs. Basically a white champagne masquerading as a rosé champagne- cheeky. Too much? Maybe. But for $37 and with this kind of finesse, color and floral perfection, I can’t help myself.

Here’s what I got:

Volatizing the Esters: affordable grower champagne

This one’s worth hunting down. If you can’t fork it over like a King, you can still drink like one. Go Grower!

I found it here for a bit more than I paid. Be on the lookout, my friends.

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