Happy Weekend!

Francoise with a bow

Portrait of Francoise With A Bow In Her Hair, Picasso 1946.

I love the drawings of Francoise, Picasso’s second to last wife, and this one with the little bow is my favorite. His interpretation of her is so lovely. It’s interesting to compare his artistic representation of Francoise to the other women in his life, especially Dora Maar- whoa.

Well hello dear readers. Please excuse the radio silence as of late. We closed on our house, my hubby’s still in Istanbul, I’m trying as hard as I can to wrangle 2 spots for the kiddos in a great preschool (which translates to tons of time spent at open houses) and my mom and I were busy playing with the bebes and enjoying long lunches out- it was a momentous week. I promised some photos and inspiration boards for Miss Virginie (our new abode) but clearly did not muster up the time to do so. Next week… there’s always next week.

I hope you all are off to some swell adventures this weekend. We have no big plans and I don’t even know what I’m drinking, though I may try this. I’m in the mood for something big, bold, a bit funky and cheap- our reno budget is loomly large over my brain.

A few things here and there that caught my eye: 

52 Places to Go in 2014, c/o the New York Times. What’s on your list?

Eat like it’s summer using winter seasonal veggies- a great salad to cure the winter blues.

Girl Scout wine pairings anyone? ‘Tis the season for the Thin Mint and… Syrah? A little scary maybe, but fun for an over-indulgent girls night in. My sister-in-law Lauren sent me this- fun.

This very well might blow your mind. If you need to save 30 seconds in a given day, here’s a nifty way to separate your egg yolks.

Now this is the kind of hostel I’m talking about. I did my time in the blech hostels of Europe during my student roaming days and vowed I would never do so again, but the new wave in luxe hostels might change my mind. If anyone’s headed to Venice and low on cash (an oxymoron of sorts, right) check this joint out.

These black and gold metal barstools are rocking my world.

While we’re talking about furniture, my heart skips a beat when I find something like this on craigslist. I would need to have it reupholstered and maybe even repainted a high gloss black or white, but it’s pretty fabulous.

The 10 Best Golden Globe Dresses? What do you think?

I’m jonesing for a Moroccan wedding blanket. Anyone know where I can score one that won’t break the bank?

Cin Cin all and enjoy the weekend!

Related posts:

Inky Art
Volatize This! Cotes du Rhone
10 Groovy Gifts Under $55

One Response

  1. Steph says:

    Second to last wife? That’s funny. how many wives did he have?

    Congrats on the new house!!! Dying to see pictures!!

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