The Perfect Super Bowl Beer Cocktail


It’s that time of year again kids. Football fan or not, it’s fun to plan a little party around the annual helmet mash. What to drink? I like to mix up a signature drink of some sort and personally think it’s a bit blasphemous to not include beer in that mix. So… a beer cocktail is the way to go.

I’m going with the Caip-beer-inha- that’s a mouthful isn’t it- maybe not the best name for this twist on the classic cocktail, as Caipirinha is hard enough to spell as it is, but it sure is tasty.

Created by mixologist extraordinaire, Jacob Grier at Portland’s Metrovino, the Caip-beer-inha is a sure-fire hit with your Super Bowl eats. Citrusy and minty by nature, this cocktail turns hoppy and floral with a tasty bitter note, when you add your IPA. The trick is not to use a drop more than an ounce of beer or your beer-inha will become a bitter-inha.

A great match to your Super Bowl spread, this little baby will match up fantastically with wings, dips, chili, nachos- you name it and is a real crowd pleaser. It drinks like a holiday which is sort of what Super Bowl Sunday’s all about.

CAIP-BEER-INHA (makes 1)

What You Need:
2oz cachaça
2 wedges lime
2 wedges lemon
6 mint leaves
0.5 oz agave nectar
1oz of IPA beer

What You Do:
1. Muddle citrus and agave nectar with a non-laquered cocktail muddler in a cocktail shaker
Record Scratch: Ok, if you haven’t muddled before, you don’t know what you’re missing.
Two things about muddling:
-If you don’t know how to muddle- watch this goateed-guy show you how to do it, he means business.
-If you don’t have a muddler, here are 6 great ones.
2. Add the mint and cachaça to your muddled mix
3. Shake with ice
4. Pour into a serving glass
5. Top with beer
6. Cin Cin and Enjoy!

What are you all drinking this Sunday? Will you watch the Bowl that is Super? I’m rooting for Seattle, I’ve always loved Denver and Peyton Manning but I think Seattle’s defense will clench it. I sound like I know what I’m talking about right? I don’t. Ha. Just thinking Seattle may have this one, plus it’s a pretty town, so go Seahawks. Although, it is now officially the Chinese New Year and the year of the Horse, so… the Broncos have that on their side. May be the best team win. Cin Cin- go Seahawks.

Image: Better Cocktails at Home

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