Happy Weekend!

Jackie Bisset in Casino Royale

Can you stand this fabulous image of Jacqueline Bisset from Casino Royale circa 1967? That eyebrow says it all. Oh Jackie, I love your wily ways and your crazy award acceptance speeches. What a hot dame.

Happy Weekend dear readers! What are you all up to? My mom is in town- hooray- so we’ll be hanging with the bebes. They are cracking us up these days. My little lady has some seriously fancy footwork and the little dude can really jump- they love their after-dinner dance off- we do too, it’s quickly become my favorite time of the day.

What I’m Drinking This Weekend:

It’s the Olympics, reason enough to celebrate. Bust out the Champers. It’ll be Moutard this weekend, which I haven’t had it in a while, I’ll let you know what I think.

A Few Things:

Did anyone watch the Olympic Opening Ceremonies? This image pretty much sums it up.

Olympic Cocktails! Get your Sochi on- Sochi Sugared Champagne- ok, sure.

If you’re not that psyched about Sochi and don’t know what in the what is going on over there, here’s a pretty good breakdown.

Sharpie art for your walls.

Annie Leibovitz’s Celebrity Disney Portraits

More Celebrity Portraits- this time by Chuck Close.

Shaken not Stirred? Well, actually according to The Kitchn, Bond will go in for a glass of champagne over a martini any day. Interesting- a man after my own heart.

A DIY feather pendant? Love this. I’m not nearly crafty enough to pull this off but it’s pretty great.

10 incredible clips from the late Philip Seymour Hoffman’s career.

Cin Cin all and Enjoy!

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