Volatize This! The Best Darn Vernaccia

I recently went to a tasting of Tuscan whites and was blown away by this zippy and finessed contender- the ’11 Sono Montenidoli Tradizionale Vernaccia di San Gimingano. I am not exaggerating in the least when I tell you that this is one of the best darn Vernaccias I have ever had the pleasure of sipping. What’s more, the Montenidoli Tradizionale is just a great go-to all around white.

This little beauty will drink spectacularly with all types of lean meats and fish and even that hard to pair asparagus. It’s got a nice dose of bitterness on the finish that elevates this wine to another level (making it a nice match to that grilled asparagus). Its generous acidity and minerality make it cry out for food. “Food!” But make no mistake, this is not a needy wine, it sips well solo too boasting some lovely citrus and even a bit of mint.

Three Cheers for Sono Montenidoli’s Tradizionale Vernaccia.

Cin to the Cin and a Chinny-Chin Cin!

Here’s What I Got:

tasting note tempranillo_edited-3

Here’s Where You Get It:

Sono Montenidoli Tradizionale ’11 Vernaccia di San Gimignano, $16

Cin Cin and Enjoy!

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Happy Weekend!
Happy Weekend!
3 comments | Tags: vino

3 Responses

  1. Amy says:

    Want! I wonder if I can find it here. Love your writing :)

  2. Molly says:

    I need a go-to list of all of these recs! And a website to find them. The stores here aren’t nearly as creative as your palette!

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