Happy Halloween

There's a Mermaid in my Kitchen

There’s a mermaid in my kitchen. I love this wacky holiday. Happy Halloween all. What are you all up to this fall weekend? We’re hightailing it out of dodge, straight to a cabin in the woods with some pals. Should be fun and maybe a bit spooky too.

Lots of fun things swirling in the air. My favorite shop in town is hosting their annual Holiday unveiling next week and I am one of their Gift Guiders, picking out a few choice things for the Host in your life. If you live in the DMV, pop by Red Barn Mercantile on November 6th from 6-9pm for the party and get a load of Amy Rutherford’s beautiful shop- one of the best edited little shops around, I always want everything in there.

And lastly, we are slowly but surely making our way through Ken Burns’ The Roosevelts. Are you all watching this? It is endlessly fascinating, particularly the FDR chapters. And looking forward to HBO’s Olive Kitteridge this weekend starring the one and only Ms. McDormand. Loved the book, curious to see how it translates to a miniseries.

A Few Things:

This just makes me feel old. Trying to play that down and be #casual about it, but truthfully it’s not really Normcore. What the what? And “Quiche”?, I’m not really buying that one, reminds me of “Fetch” from Mean Girls.

Make candles out of your mini pumpkins and get some delicious seeds for roasting while you’re at it. This one is suitable for the craft-challenged Martha wannabees out there, like me.

Have you seen the Matthew McConaughey car ads? These Jim Carrey parody ads from SNL are pretty hilarious.

Follow my talented friend Rashmi as she documents her family meals and recipes. She’s cataloging to make a recipe book for her girls and I’m loving her beautiful and stark photos. Find her recipe photos at #rashmicooks. All this AND she makes a mean Lionel Richie Jack-o-lantern. My kind of girl.

An entire ghost town goes up for auction today.

Awesome idioms from around the world via Cup of Jo.

Succotash Gazpacho Shots? Ok, I’ll bite.

She’s hilarious.

What You Learn in Your 40′s. I’m not there yet but it’s getting awfully close.

I love this - made from the fruits of an autumn stroll- a good little craft for the kiddos.

This skirt. I wish they made it in my size, had to get it for the girl.

If I were throwing a Halloween bash tonight, I would definitely be serving up this cocktail.

Halloween just wouldn’t be Halloween without the nostalgic annual viewing of this 1980s PBS filmstrip to “Danse Macabre”. We used to watch this every year in elementary school music class. I was always (and still am) completely fixated by this filmstrip as dated as it is, that’s part of its charm.

Related posts:

Salted Dark Chocolate Chipwiches
Ain't No Party Like a Pumpkin Patch Party
Happy Weekend!

One Response

  1. Cheryl Crandall says:

    What I learned in my 40′s was that it was my favorite decade – well, one of them anyway. :) They just keep getting better and better. And, need I say that little mermaid’s hair is crazy beautiful (and she doesn’t even know it yet.) Have fun in that cabin in the woods but be careful of that one armed bandit that supposedly lives in all woods. haha

    Happy Halloween!

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