Happy Thanksgiving


Happy Thanksgiving friends. ‘Tis the time to enjoy family, friends, food and give thanks for our blessings. Yep- pretty much the raddest holiday around. We are headed to NYC at the moment to enjoy the week with our family and show the kids around town. Follow us here on insta to see what adventures are in store- I’m hoping I can snap a pic of my beautiful niece in her dress rehearsal at NYCBallet’s The Nutcracker. So many wonderful things to do and look forward to. I’ll be making my grandmother’s Texas cornbread stuffing while we celebrate in a Yankee Harlem- cannot wait. I doubt our tablescape will look like the one above but it’ll be perfectly imperfect.  Our Thanksgiving will be more along the lines of Ina’s Thanksgiving back to basics potluck- everyone bringing their tried and true dishes. What is your favorite Thanksgiving dish?

Three cheers to giving thanks with friends and family. Enjoy your precious time this week- it all goes by too quickly.

Happy Thanksgiving and Cin Cin!

Photo and Table Setting: The Everygirl

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