Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays to you all! We are gearing up for a rollicking Christmas Eve over here. We’ll sit down to a dinner St. Lucia style in honor of our Swedish friend, Anna, who is staying with us. We’ll be donning our candlelit head wreaths and all and enjoying some Swedish meatballs, traditional herring and some Italian goodies thrown in the mix for good measure (St. Lucia was afterall an Italian so boom goes the pasta!). We’ll finish the eve with our annual Blind Bubbly Tasting followed by a showing of The Ref- the world’s greatest Christmas movie. The holidays are particularly fun this year with the kiddos as they are beyond excited for tonight and tomorrow. They don’t quite know what is in store but they are wound up and have had their share of cookie making, gingerbread house building, holidays teas and the like. Good stuff- surrounded by my people- ’tis the merriest.

May your days be merry and bright dear readers. May you find a moment of quiet amidst the hustle and bustle. May you enjoy the laughter and joy of your loved ones. May you eat and drink well my friends and may you have the merriest of holidays. These are the best days. The happiest to you all and to all a good night.

XO and Cin Cin!

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3 Responses

  1. Carrie says:

    Merry Christmas! What a great time to enjoy the holidays with family and through the eyes of little ones.

  2. kelly says:

    The best, Carrie!

  3. Amy says:

    Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! As always, wish I were celebrating so stylishly with you and yours :)
    Blind bubbly tasting? Yes please!
    Kisses and hugs to your whole fam.

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