What Winos Want

I do this post every year and honestly, it doesn’t vary much. What we winos want is the good stuff, not the bric-a-brac gift shop schlock of keychains, charms and ridiculously complicated wine openers. Nope, we want wine keys that are honest and good with maybe a stylish little case to boot (because why not!?), farmer fizz (aka grower champagne- because who doesn’t?), good stemware and maybe a fun set of blind tasting glasses to better our tasting skills with or just entertain to our pals. So here it goes… we’re a little late in the game (read: super last minute here) so get to it if you’ve got a wino in your list whose name has yet to be crossed off. Cheers.

What Winos Want

1. Functional Yet Stylish Wine Key with its very own 2. Leopard Carrying Case- but of course. This is one pair we don’t leave home without.

3. Bottle Stopper- this one’s a vacuum sealer too. Not fancy, just efficient.

4. Vintage Champagne Ice Bucket: because it’s awesome, here are a few others.

5. Farmer Fizz- a great bottle of grower bubbly is always the best idea ever. Vilmart & Cie is one of my favorites. Other go-to growers: Lanson, Guy Larmandier, Eric Rodez, Andre Clouet, Egly-Ouriet and Jacques Selosse.

6. No-Spill Tiny Picnic Table- for when said wino is actually at said picnic- so that delicious juice won’t spill on the grass. Let’s do this right people.

7. Reflections from a Wine Merchant: tales of Italian winemakers tasting in their centuries old cellars, French fathers and sons carrying on the family tradition, and how some people can get a whiff of wet wild hare in their glass. This book will make you want to quit your job and run off to the mountains of Italy to make wine and live off the land. Any self-respecting wino will love it.

8. Metro Wine Map of California: the better to visualize with, my dears. I love these Metro style maps because they’re stylish and real helpful. The French metro map is great too.

9. R. Croft Blind Tasting Glasses- the better to test our tastebuds with. Added bonus- whip these out and you’ve got yourself a shindig. People love a blind tasting, winos and pseudo-winos alike.

Cin Cin!

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