Mon Petit Chef

I have two little budding chefs in my house. I think most kids love to cook, it’s such fun to do together- my little ones also like to read about food (well, read along with me), complete foodie puzzles, and dress up like chefs. Again, I’ll bet most kids do. My kiddos don’t even seem to mind when The Barefoot Contessa is spreading culinary wisdom throughout the house (she provides excellent background ambience- I am hoping that I will somehow ambiently soak up her goodness), I know they’d rather have Daniel Tiger spouting wisdom, but they can be cool like that. These two have not yet graduated to excellent diners in restaurants, they’re just pretty good, but really not the best, but then again- they’re 2 1/2 so we cut them a break. We try to take them out pretty frequently but honestly, it really needs to be loud and casual or I end up in a full blown sweat.

For the meantime, most of our meals and meal-making happens at home. I have started giving the kiddos their own little bowls of flour and sugar to mix when we bake cookies or else again, it becomes a little crazy up in here and we never actually get anything baked. Maybe that’s the twin thing? What sort of things do you all do with your little ones while cooking?

Here are some chef-y things we’re enjoying at home:

mon petit chef

1. Lavender Lulu Apron- I spotted this at my favorite little cook shop, La Cuisine- so darling. Not just for the little chefs, Marcy Butler makes the most fabulous aprons, they have a great cut and the softest twill. She makes them all in the U.S. and lives in Washington D.C. This makes a great gift for the super cook in your life.

2. Cupcake Puzzle- great for the tiny tots- my little girl keeps trying to take a bite.

3. Dinner: The Playbook- this one’s really more for me than for them but Jenny Rosenstrach’s blog, Dinner: A Love Story is one of my favorite family food blogs.

4. Chef’s Hat- for the mini set, they love their hats.

5. Let’s Make Some Great Placemat Art- because art + food= always a good idea.

6. Fanny at Chez Panisse- the foodie version of Eloise. Fanny’s adventures at Alice Waters’ legendary restaurant Chez Panisse tells tales of restaurant life plus 46 recipes. I love me some Alice Waters and it’s never too early to start the Waters love fest with the littles.

7. Bon Appetit! top- Julia lives on. My sister-in-law gave this to my daughter for Christmas- too cute.

* I also love this cookbook for kids: The Sesame Street Cookbook- Mark Bittman and Lidia Bastianich share their favorite kid-friendly recipes here.

What are your favorite kid chef-y blogs, books, accoutrement?

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1 comment | Tags: eats, kiddos

One Response

  1. Amy says:

    My girls love to watch Martha Stewart’s cooking/baking techniques videos!
    They all love to make my cappuccino in the morning and Daddy’s shake, and are coming along nicely with scrambled eggs and omelets. Cookies and cakes are always huge favorite to help with, for obvious reasons (i.e., batter-y spatulas).
    The Dinner: A Love Story playbook has actually introduced some new kids’ favorites: whole wheat skillet pizza and chicken parm meatballs are huge hits. Yum.

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