The Contender: An Oscar-Worthy Champagne Cocktail

“I coulda been a…”, well-  you know the rest. In honor of one of my favorite scenes on celluloid comes one of my very favorite cocktails and just in time for the Red Carpet- a Champagne Cocktail of course as it is the Oscars.

The Contender

The Contender
A Champagne | Limoncello | Honey | Thyme | Cocktail- because all of this stuff is awesome just like Marlon.

What You Need:

1. A bottle of Champagne or any delicious bubbly.
2. 1 cup honey
3. 1 cup water
4. A delicious limoncello. (I’m using a pretty special bottle gifted to me by a great pal- this one comes from New Orleans).
5. A few sprigs of thyme.

The Contender

What You Do: 

1. Make a honey syrup using equal parts. 1 cup honey to 1 cup water. Heat the honey, add water and bring to a boil. Take off the heat and let rest until room temp.

2. Add 4 oz. honey syrup to 2 oz. limoncello in a small pitcher or glass.

3. Pour in about 1/5 of the way up your chilled Champagne glass (I like to use white wine glasses for my bubbly but a flute will do nicely too.)

4. Top off with Champagne.

5. Garnish with a sprig of thyme.

Cin Cin and Enjoy! You are Red Carpet Ready.

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