Pretty Paintings and Prints

Michelle Morin


I’ve stumbled upon my newest favorite illustrator- Michelle Morin. I love her modern and whimsical take on botanicals and creatures. You can snag a 16×20 print for $60. Not bad. Throw that puppy in a simple Ikea frame and you’ve got yourself some affordable art.  Smaller prints and originals are available too.

Michelle Morin1
I love the almost fauvist botanicals with the zebras. So pretty.

michelle morin
How great would this jellyfish be in a bathroom. I love this deep sea mash up as well (below) complete with that ubiquitous hipster mascot of the sea- the Narwal. Michelle Morin deep sea
I can imagine staring at this for hours as a kid, memorizing every creature and making up stories for all of them.

I’m a fan.
Michelle Morin etsy shop


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Happy Weekending!
Hello Again, Hello

Happy Weekend!

Cool Rider

Back to School- I know lots of your littles headed back this past week. Seeing all the cute pics on Facebook, it brought back so many memories all of those first days back. Who will be in my classes, who will I eat lunch with, where will my locker be and what the heck do I wear- don’t we all wish we could have rocked the Stephanie Zinone look on our first day back. It doesn’t get much cooler than Michelle Pfeiffer as the Pink Lady singing Cool Rider (above)- bad. ass.

I hope you’re off to a fun-filled weekend. No big plans over here- just some swim time at the town pool and parks and playgrounds.

happy weekend

A little link love:

This week is a little shelter-centric. In my mind, I’m concocting my dream house. It may be a while before we see our dream home, but that’s ok- it’s fun just finding inspiration.

1. 26 Reasons Grease 2 is better than Grease. Basically, no one’s cooler than Stephanie Zinone. I just love how she doesn’t want no ordinary guy coming on strong with her. I know every single frame, word and lyric of this movie- it’s genius. Say what you will about the sequel, but for me Grease 2 reigns supreme.

2. How am I just now jumping on the Lulu & Georgia train? Thank you Pinterest for introducing me to this fine establishment.

3. This is an easy DIY entryway via Glitter Guide’s Instagram feed. The desk could be a thrifty find punched up with simple brass hardware. Target used to sell these cute little coral x benches but you can still get these for $79 and give them this makeover via Style Me Pretty Living- sounds pretty easy and Kelly-proof (I’m not the greatest DIYer).

4. I had to pick this up. A super cute color block denim dress with pockets and an exposed zipper in back. $59, cute and it hides my post-baby tummy that will not mind its owner and hibernate already.

5. Anna Wintour makes her debut appearance half-veiled by her magazine via Vogue’s instagram account. She’s officially been voguestagrammed. Slow to embrace social media, Wintour is purportedly making her appearance in the name of the infamous September Issue.

6. Georgia O’Keefe reveals her younger self via vintage documentary footage. Cool.

7. I am loving these DIY abstract stained glass plates that Emily Henderson is making for her Fig House project. Are these cool or what!

8. How to cook your carrots stovetop?

{Images: Georgia O’Keefe: Alfred Steiglitz, stained glass: Emily Henderson, carrots: Emily Ho}

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Get ‘Em While They’re Hot (60 Years Later)

A veritable field of dreams for classic car geeks, the Lambrecht Chevy dealership is auctioning off their more than 500 classic cars. Yes that’s right. One dealership in Nevada has a collection of over 500 classic cars, mostly Chevys. It’s like stepping into a time warp. They’re calling it the auction of a lifetime- nirvana for car geeks and I do love a geek.

Lambrecht Chevrolet
Mildred Lambrecht and son outside their dealership in a ’53 Chevy Corvette

Ray Lambrecht, the owner of the dealership, made a practice of taking a trade-in car and storing it away, a master at selling only new cars. He collected and housed hundreds of cars dating back to just after World War II- talk about a classic car graveyard. Now in their 90s, Mildred and Ray decided it was finally time to unveil and unload their mammoth classic car collection. VanDerBrink Auctions will be holding the auction- details here.

I’d love to pop over and take a peek before they all go to their happy new owners- to see that many classic cars in one space must be a sight to see. The auction is taking place September 28th and 29th, so if you are a car geek, well… you have probably already heard about this and have booked your travel to the Cornhusker state. Pretty cool.

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Happy Weekend!
Happy Weekend!
The Euros Have It

The United States of Plates

The Fifty State Plates

I just love these. The Fifty United Plates project is flooding the blogosphere and Pinterest and I have officially jumped on the bandwagon. I backed these guys on Kickstarter because I absolutely love their work. Kaitlyn and Ryan Lawless are partners in life and design and have collaborated through their cottage industry ceramic and design studio, Corbé Company, to create these beautiful state-shaped plates.

Michigan state plate

How cute is a homemade pie baked in your home state plate or chips and dip in your football team state on Superbowl Sunday? I love it. Lots of us do apparently, as these guys rocked their Kickstarter funding seven times over. Good on ya.

Anatomy of a State Plate

I’m looking forward to my Virginia state plate although I am partial to New York, my former home and California, my former former home and then there’s Michigan, my college home (you get 2 for 1 with that state) and of course Florida, where I’m originally from and then there’s Texas, where my family’s from. I can’t forget Nevada, where I did a year-long stint as a Vegas showgirl- for real and New Mexico, where I got married. Hmmm. Forever the gypsy, I may just have to start collecting them.

Support The Fifty United Plates project here and get your state plate before anyone else.

{All Images: Corbé Company}

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Birthday Blooms

I came home last week on my birthday to find the prettiest little homemade flower arrangement on my doorstep. It’s amazing how just a few pretty blooms will put such a big smile on your face, or mine anyway.

birthday blooms

Isn’t it just perfectly pretty. It was a nice reminder of the power of a simple gesture and of how easy one can pick up a few flowers and fashion them into the most perfect little package. In truth, I don’t know that I would have been able to arrange them quite this pretty, maybe my friend Meg has another career in her future…

I received this beautiful bundle of blooms from another lovely friend:

birthday blooms

This one was arranged by the neighborhood florist shop down the street- another reminder of how wonderfully creative and detail-specific your local businesses and shops can be. I know the owner of this shop and she puts her heart and soul into her business. Love it.

Thank you all!

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Happy Weekend!

Couch Tripping: Far Meadow

A frame

Today I’m Couch Tripping in the High Sierras just outside Yosemite. Far Meadow provides glammed up A-Frame and traditional log cabin style digs for those who really want to get off the map but stay in style. I’m roasting s’mores, hiking, fishing and just relaxin’ cold maxin’ on my own private 20 acres high above Bass Lake. Sweet. With sweeping views and eco-friendly, sleek interiors, this is not your grandfather’s A frame. Dig it:

far meadow

Far Meadow. A Frame from $250.

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Happy Weekend!



A new kind of science magazine- for those of us who would rather upload a TED talk than subscribe to Scientific American- gone are the days of the glossy 70s Science magazines. Nautilus aims to reach that lost audience as well as the next generation of visually oriented, human interest-inclined folks of today. It sure is pretty and it reads beautifully. As much myth as fact, each issue has its own theme such as “uncertainty” and “secrets” and concentrates on storytelling through science. I’m interested.

A great new Thursday read as each chapter is released on the 5th day of the week. Check it out.

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Happy Weekend!
The Euros Have It

Happy Weekend!

just jack

Oh Jack, you are so cool. This Vanity Fair photo is kind of the perfect way to kick off the weekend, with a wink and a smile. Thanks Jack.

I hope you’re all off to a fabulous weekend. This link love roundup is a wee tad smaller than usual as I am busy prepping for a shoot this Monday with Anthology Magazine. I will be hosting a Virginia wine pairing dinner party for my family at a local Virginia vineyard for the story, so I’m busy planning menus and tasting through lots of VA. wine. So fun. If you all have any suggestions for me, please send them along. We are doing sort of a picnic chic theme. Lots of yummy French inspired food centered around what’s in season, so lots of ripe fruit and produce. Fun. I hope you all have a great weekend.

Just a little link love:

This article speaks volumes about the state of our society with regard to technology. Thank you for writing it, Mr. Wilson and shame, Apple.

This Texas teacher has been keepin’ it real since ’73.

A photo field trip with these guys in Provence- sign me up.

Writers and the cheeses that remind us of them.

The world has gone airstream crazy. Taste some Sea Fog Sauvignon Blanc at The Grade Cellars’ Calistoga Airstream.

Cin Cin!

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Happy Weekend!

Happy Weekend!


How fabulous are these bathers from LIFE magazine circa 1948. Tres gorge. I hope you’re off to a fun filled weekend. We’ll take in some fireworks here in Old Town Alexandria. Not about to be outdone by the nearby nation’s capital, this town celebrates its very own birthday on July 13th. This year Alexandria turns 264. Wow, that’s pretty old for America. What are you all up to?

Here are a few of my favorite things from this week and a little link love:

happy weekend

1. I love these illustrated posters for the kiddos- animals of the world by artist, Andy Ward.

2. Unplugging at Camp for Grown Ups. I always wanted to go to camp as a kid and now these grown-up camps are everywhere- although I don’t know if I can really classify the people in their Moonrise Kingdom‘d-out photo above, grown-ups. In any case, it’s never too late even if you do look a little ridiculous.

3. Looking to remodel, upgrade or update? Here’s a handy tool to price out costs in your area. Fun to look at- more fun if you live in Des Moines than if you live in Palo Alto.

4. The Newsroom is back baby. Yahoo. I love these characters, that Sorkin speak and the little lift you get from watching his shows- cue the anthemic West Wing-like theme- bring on season 2. P.S.: Jeff Daniels is totally a bad ass in this show. When have you ever seen Daniels as a bad ass. It’s kind of hot and a long way from Dumb and Dumber.

5. The Washington Monument lights it up yo.

6. Jay-Z raps for 6 hours at the Pace Gallery. How did I miss this! He’s got his performance art game on.

7. Kickstarter funds more art than the NEA. Wow.

8. I love this floor tile- a collaboration between Carocin and Petit Pan. Blue and pink heaven.

9. Imogen and Asher edge out Charlotte and Finn as this year’s most popular baby names (as in: most viewed on nameberry). Really? Imogen? The only Imogen I know is the divine Ms. Coca and she’s an Imogene. Ok, there’s also Imogen Heap- she’s got to be the draw. I can’t imagine many young parents naming their little ones after Aunt Edna- although she was pretty fantastic.

P.S.: Blurred Lines as The Cosby Show opener- it kind of works. And speaking of the Cos, he’s launched a Cosby Sweater Tournament- how could we possibly pick the best Cosby sweater.

P.P.S.: This is funny- 24 hunky actors that will make you wish time travel was for real.

P.P.P.S.: I know this has gone viral and everyone’s probably already seen it, but it’s interesting. Tootsie- one of the greatest movies ever made- and Dustin Hoffman’s reaction to playing a woman has got to be one of the reasons it is so good.

And- heads up New Yorkers, Manhattanhenge touches down on the grid tonight and tomorrow.

Ok, one more: this is pretty crazy town. An impala dives into a tourist’s SUV as he flees a chasing cheetah. Whoa. When’s the last time you’ve seen this happen? Never.



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The Euros Have It

I just love a good European movie poster or book cover. They really make me happy. I get why Hollywood can’t go all artsy on us, they need to show sweaty action shots of our superstars to bring in the Benjamins, but aren’t these just so much cooler.

the Euros have it

I just spied this Spanish book cover of The Taking of Pelham One Two Three, apparently picked up in a Barcelona flea market- I wish I had picked it up. And I’ve always LOVED this Polish poster of Shane by Wojciek Wenzel (1959), I would love to have him in my house.

And how pretty is this- so dreamy in a little girl’s bedroom, it’s a little Chagall-like don’t you think?

sleeping beauty

Sleeping Beauty circa 1962 by artist Hanna Bodnar

That’s all. Any artsy posters that you love? Do tell.

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