Happy Weekend!

Mapping Manhattan

I love this hand drawn map, from Mapping Manhattan: A Love (and Sometimes Hate) Story in Maps by 75 New Yorkers. What a cool idea. I lived in the artsy, busy and bookish neighborhoods of NYC during my tenure there, never the “stylish” according to this New Yorker, but I may beg to differ.

Happy Weekend dear readers.  I hope you all are off to some exciting adventures. My mom is heading into town as my hubby heads to Istanbul. He’s working on a ballet there so he’ll be gone for over a week, thankfully CiCi (aka my mom) is hightailing it east. What would we do without our moms!

We are closing on our house next week (fingers crossed) and then we’re going to … Release the Kraken. We’re tearing down walls, repainting, staining and refinishing the floors and completely gutting and creating an entirely new kitchen (yay!). There are a million things I want to do this house. Every room is just so wrong right now and desperately cries out to be fixed but budget dictates that I must exercise some serious patience with her (my house, that is). I am the type of person that likes to tackle everything all at once, I can’t stand to leave things undone, but I don’t much have a choice here and will have to channel my inner Zen-ness.

In the meantime, I can’t wait to start scouring flea markets, vintage stores and craigslist to round out my decor. Stay tuned next week as I’ll be posting BEFORE pictures of Miss Virginie (after our dear newfound home state of course) along with some mood boards with a slew of ideas for design. I’m trying really hard to curb my enthusiasm for a California late-mid century house and respect the fact that Miss Virginie is of course a Virginia native with an unfortunate Colonial-ish vibe. Now, I pretty much hate anything Colonial, so you can bet that those ridiculous faux columns embracing the front door will be first to go. Inside, she’s a blank slate so I can really do anything but feel like I need to keep reminding myself that I’m in Virginia and not Laurel Canyon.

I would love your thoughts! We haven’t done a big reno project since our New York apartment and I’ve never done a kitchen, I’m pretty psyched.

What are you all up to this weekend? I’m going to hang with the kiddos and CiCi and watch Tina and Amy light it up on the Globes- my favorite awards show of the year, no one really takes it that seriously and everyone’s just drunk and happy, really the best kind of awards- and those two ladies kill me, they can get away with anything.

What I’m Drinking This Weekend:

I’m sticking with Southern France. My post this week about the Languedoc made me nostalgic for that part of the world, so I think I’ll try this inexpensive bottle from the Cotes du Rhone. Tasting note to follow. I once heard a Somm say that you really could never go too wrong with a bottle of Cotes du Rhone, but I would have to disagree with that as I have gone very wrong indeed. Let’s hope this one is promising, especially since it’s $12.

And maybe this ode to Maggie Smith: the Dowager Countess Cocktail for my Downton Abbey viewing.

A Few Things:

The Northern Lights- I have got to get to Iceland to see this fantastical sight. Anna Watson Carl’s posts about her recent trip to see the galactic display, are so inspiring. And this hotel blows my mind.

15 30-Minute Meals from the gals at A Beautiful Mess.

Crafty Winter Activities for the kiddos from Handmade Charlotte.

A True Artist- this is so sweet.

This looks amazing. Big Thornbirds fan- totally looking forward to this.

CBK, “the Original Gwyneth?”, I don’t know what do you think? I know that I love me some CBK, looking through these photos is kind of fabulous and makes me so nostalgic for the late 90s.

Cin Cin ya’ll! Have a great weekend.

Related posts:

Clever Girl
Happy Weekend!
The Contender: An Oscar-Worthy Champagne Cocktail

A Holiday Dippity Doo (and Easy Too): Chocolate-Dipped Pretzel Rods

Dark Chocolate-Dipped Pretzel Rods

On a recent action-packed trip to NYC (no work and all play- hooray), I managed to squeeze in a little pre-Christmas party prep with one of my best girls, Meghan Frank. It was the first time I had visited her in her fab Park Slope abode with her hubby and we had such fun catching up and prepping for her annual birthchristmukkah party. Her birthday is around the holidays- Happy Birthday Meg!- so she always throws a big blowout. I couldn’t stay for the party (sniff) but making these pretzel treats with her was maybe just as fun.

Meghan’s become quite the domestic and I was super impressed with her homemade New York cheesecake cupcakes as well as her ambition to make these little salty sweets. All of this from a girl who is a full time, hard-hitting television journalist- seriously folks. These pretzel rods are so easy to make and pretty too, that I had to share. This is one that the kids would love (and clearly the adults too).

Cholate-Dipped Pretzel Rods

Here’s What You Need:

2 Bags of Pretzel Rods
3 bars of good quality dark or milk (or both) chocolate
Pistachio Pieces
Sea Salt
Coconut Flakes

Chocolate-Dipped Pretzel Rods2

Here’s What You Do:

1. Break your chocolate bars into pieces
2. Place in a saucepan and slowly melt over low-medium heat (or just microwave in a bowl)
3. Dip each rod into the melted chocolate using a spoon to smooth out the chocolate


4. Decorate with whatever topping and decorations you like (some we just sprinkled with sea salt- yum!)


5. Et Voilà- just lay on parchment paper until dry.

et voilá

Enjoy! Do you have any favorite holiday treats that you love to make? Do tell.

Related posts:

Clever Girl
Kid Art
Happy Weekend!

Happy Weekend!

Photo Booth

It is a heartfelt day in our nation. It’s truly hard to believe that 50 years ago, we lost our President Kennedy. I love this photo of the glamorous First Couple- so filled with hope, youth, and that fabulous toothy grin. To think how our world changed with the loss of this President is truly mind-blowing- if you haven’t seen the excellent documentary, The Fog of War, treat yourself and imagine how things may have been very different.

On to sunshinier things- I’m off on a solo road trip to visit my dear pal Lisa Shriver- Broadway choreographer extraordinaire- down at Busch Gardens Williamsburg. She zshushed up a few of their Christmas shows with her mad New Yorker skills and I’m going down to both take a look and revel in the thousands of Christmas lights. I can’t shake it- I’m a sucker for the holidays. Bring on the cheer.

In other news, we FINALLY found a house that we really love. It’s super cute and will be even cuter once I get my hands on it. Not the mid-century modern I was hoping for, but a great little house. It is truly deep in the burbs but still only about 25 minutes from DC and 20 minutes from Old Town Alexandria where I currently live- and if you read this blog, you know how I love me some Old Town. It’s very exciting but it does have one little quirk- it backs up to the community center and pool. I would love some readerly advice on this- what would you do? The house is great, the only one we’ve found after months and months of house hunting that meets all of our needs and passes the dinner party test- I try to imagine an intimate dinner party in the backyard of each house we look at complete with strung lights, etc. Not many pass that test, it’s a tough one. This one does and gives us plenty of room to spread our wings a bit and grow, not to mention the schools are aces. Advice needed!

What I’m Drinking This Weekend:

I’m going to pop open a bottle of ’05 Domaine du Grapillon d’Or Gigondas if we decide to go for (and get) this house. I’ve been saving this one up since my days as a French import rep. ’05 as you all probably know, was an absolutely stellar year pretty much across the board. Tip: if you’re looking for a great vintage, go for ’05, you really cannot go wrong. Well, maybe you can but it’s not likely. This wine is feminine and girly with hints of violets and flowers but packs a dirty punch and tastes like the earth- just the way I like ‘em. I’m crazy about it. A female winemaker is at the helm here which explains its finesse. I love the newer vintages as well. Find it a ’10 bottle here $27- a deal for a very well made Gigondas. This one is an excellent Turkey Day wine too.

A Few Things:

Totally cute.

How sweet is this. 

A Skinny LaMinx giveaway at Door Sixteen- love her stuff.

Tips for a drama-free Thanksgiving. Ok, I’ll bite.

I’m totally doing this DIY log facade in my (maybe) new fireplace.

Have a good one. Cin Cin and Enjoy!

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A Metaphysical Statement (piece)
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The Balancing Act

the balancing act

Can you believe this picture? Isn’t it one of the greatest images- talk about Super Mom. This is my awesome friend Natalia- mom, doctor, crafter extraordinaire and all-around awesome lady. A mutual friend of ours who works as a photo director had this photo on her desktop at work, and a colleague asked if it was for a shoot she was working on. Nope, just a day in the life of our fab friend, Natalia. Since I am currently experiencing a little bit of bewilderment over what has all of a sudden materialized as a complete and total lack of that all too valuable commodity we call time, I thought it appropriate to feature another mom who seems to be conquering the great time monster. No one’s perfect, but I dare say she’s pretty good at managing things and balancing it all out in the process.

Case in point- one Natalia Goldman. You dear readers, know her as Volatizing’s resident Clever Girl. She is a creative spirit through and through and never ceases to amaze me (much less her family) with her boatloads of inspired ideas, enthusiasm and keen awareness for the environment and her family’s health. I am constantly texting her for doc, product and crafty advice. She’s also an eye surgeon- oh yeah, just thought I’d add that to the mix- runs all kinds of races ending with a K, and is mom to four kids all under the age of five. What gives, man? How does she pull this off?

I had to ask.

Natalia, what is a typical morning like in the life of you?

I am woken up by my 2 year-old around 7am- well actually, it all starts around 5am with breastfeeding my littlest, then my 2 year-old typically hollers for me to come get him. I bring him back to bed with me for a little bit, and then he wakes me up for the day around 7.


Ok, so your day starts at 5. Wowzers. I would not be able to function. What is the hardest part of the day?

The Witching Hours- the end of the day- making dinner, feeding, bathing, actually getting to read a story to a few of them and then hopefully squeezing in some prayers before putting them to bed. Then, dealing with the persistent screams from my 2 year-old until he finally crashes. Last night, he screamed down to me while I was cleaning the kitchen. “Mama, what’s that noise?”. He would yell down after every single noise (and there are many during clean up). I finally went upstairs and reassured him that every noise was just me cleaning and that he did not have to ask me. After a few minutes of silence came another scream, “Mama, why is there no more noise?”. Ha. Damned if you do. Damned if you don’t.


I can just picture that exchange- so funny. Ok, so what’s the best part of your day?

Those little unexpected moments when my kids share something with me- a dream, something that happened at school, that enormous smile that comes with an accomplishment, “zippering my coat on my own”- the spontaneous “I love you”.


family photo

Did you always know you wanted to be a mom?

Pretty much since my conception.


Do you think motherhood has changed your life completely?

Absolutely and only for the better.


What are some things you miss from your pre-momma life?

Not much. I still do the things I really love. The things I don’t have anymore, I don’t really miss. Being able to sleep- really not that big of a deal. Caffeine helps. Shopping for myself- never really enjoyed that all that much. Decorating my home- I secretly love that our walls are decorated with my kids’ artwork and not something I paid for. Pre-kids, I was so much more self-centered- naturally I think we all are- but my life has purpose now that it never did before, and that is priceless.


What’s your favorite family tradition?

Friday night family dinners out. It used to be our Friday night dance party but now we go out. Somehow, as chaotic as dinner out can be, having that time together around a table is so much fun. We go so often that my kids are now well-behaved enough for us to really enjoy it. That happy hour margarita never tasted so good as my Friday night dinner drink does. It’s a great way to end our week together.


What about your dance party? I know how you like to shake your groove thing.

Yes, we definitely still do our dance party, but now it’s on the weekend- daytime dance party.

go girl

Let’s talk about work. Do you still love working as much now that you’re a mom?

Love working. It’s total mental stimulation and easier than staying at home. Not less stressful, as teaching surgery to residents comes not without lots of stress, but working is definitely emotionally easier than staying at home. I love that I can keep my hands experienced with surgery so that once all of the kids are in school, I can go back to private practice. I love the challenge of work, the mental and emotional break from being at home, the adult conversation, and the reward I feel from helping people and teaching.


How often are you home with the kids?

Thankfully I only have to work two days a week, so I am home the rest of the time. I would really not be able to work full time and miss out on the thick of the day to day stuff. I have often said that I am a mom before I am a doctor- it is absolutely a priority to me over my work. If I had to choose between the two, it would be a no brainer and I would easily choose staying at home. I feel very lucky to a little of both worlds- maintaining a career and my skills while still feeling like I am present in the everyday. I can appreciate the difficulty that some moms who have to work full time experience about missing out on things. I showed up late for surgery on the kids’ first day of school because I just could not miss that moment. I also know that there are many moms who prefer working to staying at home, and I can appreciate that too. It can be very monotonous and often boring to stay at home with kids. If you don’t remember to connect with friends, you can lose yourself in the day to day tasks of motherhood. And the moments that you are home become that much more powerful when you have less time with your kids. I see that with my husband who works very long hours. My kids simply adore him, he is clearly their hero and any moment he is home is golden and highly prized. I love to see that adoration. It fills me with joy to see their excitement when they hear the loud, “WHOOOOO’S THERE?” as he walks through the door.


How do you come up with all of your fun ideas for activities and crafts with your kids?

Mostly it’s perusing magazines or my favorite gift store. I’ll find something I like and try to make it myself with the kids.


You’ve always been so good at that. I’ve always loved how you’ll say, “Oh, I can make that, no need to pay for it, I’ll just make it.”- and you do. Speaking of making things, do you cook? Are you too exhausted or do you like to cook?

I love to finish cooking something I am proud of. The actual process of cooking- not so much. Since my husband is only home 1-2 times a week for dinner, I only cook then.


How does the household work? Do you cook and clean for the most part?

My husband has neither cooked nor cleaned in the past 6 years- ever. Grilling doesn’t count since I marinate/prepare all the food for him.


Lucky dude. Do you and your hubby do anything specific to offset the craziness of parenthood?

Exercise for him. Monthly date nights are great but they don’t really offset the craziness. For me, it’s my new bike. The ability to load up three kids and ride them to school, cruise around town, is awesome and really for my own sanity. The monotony of having to pile into the minivan and drive back and forth three times a day is mindblowingly boring. The ability to be able to jump on a bike and have conversations with my kids (surprisingly much easier on a bike) to and from school is complete freedom for me! I think I will be that crazy mom bundling up the kids and taking them for mid-winter rides!


Is there anything in particular you have found to be genius when it comes to raising kids?

As my sister says- the secret to motherhood is “staff up”. We make sacrifices elsewhere in our lives to pay for help with the kids. Have the extra help allows me to be a better mom and achieve that balance. I would easily skip out on a nice dinner out in order to be able to pay for day’s worth of help with my nanny. She does not raise my kids, but having her certainly helps me do it better than if I had to do it on my own. I still run a million miles an hour, but I get more quality time with each of my kids when I have someone helping me with the others. I know some moms who can afford to hire some extra help but prefer to do it all themselves. I am not one of those moms. I choose to sacrifice for the help so that I am a better version of me for my kids.


Happy Momma, Happy Kids. Ok, I’m curious as to what your biggest challenges are with motherhood?

Learning to be ok with not getting everything done and truly learning to slow down. Motherhood really forces me to be patient and not get upset about things so easily. My son crying “for no reason” drives me bonkers. I wish I could just close my eyes, take a deep breath and handle everything calmly. That does not happen all the time. I don’t scream and yell at him, I typically ask him to leave the room until he calms down. What I hate is how upset it makes me. I seriously think I need to heed my husband’s advice and start smoking weed- it would make me a much calmer mama.


Yeah, I don’t see that happening anytime this century. You’ve always moved at lightning speed, I can’t imagine you any other. We could all be a little calmer though, I agree. Ok Natalia, leave us with some words of momma wisdom. What have you found to be of the upmost importance with regard to a good relationship with your kids?

Listening to them and being present for them.

family photo

Awesome. Thank you for your honesty and for your time- I know how hard it is to come by. You are truly an inspiring momma.

{Image Credit: family in p.j.’s: Kristen Schaefer Geisler}

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Eureka: My Morning Smoothie Refresh
Happy Monday!
3 comments | Tags: kiddos

Presenting: The Kiddo

LEGO 10243 Parisian Restaurant
Lego is unveiling an unbelievably beautiful Parisian restaurant. It’s true the foodie craze has hit the littles. If you’re into food, it’s likely your bambini are too, they’ll love this.

This one isn’t exactly FOR the kiddo in so much as they will react like —- did when he opened his Aunt’s bunny suite pajamas, but it is cute for their room or playroom and they may grow to appreciate its aesthetic simplicity. Ha. Orange Striped Basket

Uncle Goose blocks handmade in Michigan are not only my favorite blocks for my own kiddos (p.s.: they love them too), but they are my favorite gift to give to new moms and toddlers. I love their simple modern, lower and upper case blocks (these are the ones that we have) and how cool are these Neutraface Slab blocks- for the mini-hipster.

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0 comments | Tags: kiddos

Happy Weekend!

until next year

Happy Weekend dear readers. Did you all celebrate Halloween? It was the bebes’ second Halloween and we ventured out with friends to a local event. Lee Street in Old Town Alexandria legendarily hosts a beautiful trick-or-treat extravaganza. I was completely blown away by it. Imagine Colonial-era row homes all decked out in their spookiest best, sporting haunting houses, interior tableaus of the dearly departed and pumpkins galore. It is a beautiful combination of Colonial meets Southern tradition and haunting voyeurism not for the faint of heart. Peer into a window and you may see a skeletal family residing on that parlor sofa. It’s sort of like a scary Parade of Homes, I loved it.

Each Halloween, Lee Street’s residents welcome thousand of trick-or-treaters. Literally thousands, as demonstrated above. Those folks ran out of candy around 8pm. Grown ups, babies, and yes- the dogs put on the dog, everyone is decked out. This little festivity is one to put on your list. If you find yourself in my neck of the woods on Hallow’s Eve, do not miss Lee St.- a darling Colonial street all tricked out for the treaters.

Now for this weekend, I’m so pooped from all of our Halloween festivities, we have zero plans. The weekend is supposed to be about rest after all right? What about you?

My Weekend Wine:

Etienne Dupont Cidre Bouché Brut de Normal, Organic ’11. Ok, this one’s not wine per se, it’s that elixir of fall- apple cider. A French hard apple cider to be precise. I busted out this bottle on Halloween for a small little gathering and our guests were delighted. Funky and unfiltered, it’s so fall-like and festive, affordable too at anywhere from $10-$15. This cider is a great compliment to food that’s a touch sweet as it’s naturally fruit-forward and extremely aromatic. I found it at Whole Foods and will be drinking it over the weekend. A classic French cider with a bit of the funk. Love it. Tasting note to come.

A Few Things:

happy weekend

1. Oh Grace and Audrey- where would you be without Edith? Probably not in icon territory, is my guess. My mom sent me this post highlighting some of the divine Ms. Head’s most iconic designs. Growing up, my mom and her best friend both wanted to be Edith Head. I love that they wanted to be her and not one of her muses.

2. More cute kitchen art. Fresh and whimsical prints by Julie Lee.

3. This home reno by Sarah Sherman Samuel is so fun to follow. I love those floors and that giant flamingo print by Sharon Montrose. Here’s the one I want.

4. Great hostess gift ideas. I love these modern gold cheese knives from West Elm.

5. What a cool project.

And Another Thing(s):

I cannot stop staring at this.

Ha ha. This kills me.

Hmmm. Really Lorne?

7 grammar rules we should really pay attention to. Look out! It’s a dangling modifier.

5 ridiculous Craigslist roommate ads.

The world’s most powerful people, according to Forbes. Obama got dissed, Putin’s number 1.

A Few Scenes From Last Night’s Lee Street Festivities:
It’s all about that bespectacled Pumpkinhead in the tux. Peter Sellers does Pumpkinhead.

old town spook

Happy Weekend and Cin Cin!

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Happy Weekend!

Happy Weekend!

Oh Julia!

Oh Julia, ’tis true. Happy Weekend dear readers. I hope this finds you all cozy and warm. We are having a big cold spurt here, the first of the season. My mom is in town so we’re going to hit up Mount Vernon for its annual fall festival and a local Halloween parade on Sunday. What are you all up to?

What I’m Drinking This Weekend:

You guessed it, it’s another Central Coast Pinot. I’m still loving on these Pinots (always will but having a particular taste for them at the moment), good stuff and great for fall. I’ll be chewing and swirling this one around with some honey-drizzled and ricotta-topped figs. Recipe to come.

2011 Jack Hammer Pinot : at 13 bucks, you can’t beat it. Full tasting note to come.

A Few Things:

a few things

Clever. The answer to all of my closet-less woes. An Ode to the Pax by the genius DIY’er Jenny Komenda. This customed wardrobe is no big box closet. It is swank-a-roo. Less than half the cost of a custom built closer, I am filing this one away for the dream house. Fo Sho.

Brilliant. Sam Wasson brings his Jazz Hands A game to this short teaser for his new Fosse bio. Nathan Lane, Andrea Martin and the almighty Liza make cameo appearances. Hilarious. If you know anything about the brilliant dance maker Bob Fosse, you’ll love this. All That Jazz is required viewing for maximum appreciation. Plus, if you haven’t seen it then… well, why not? I’m talking to you Lauren, it’s only one of the greatest movies ever made in my humble and Fosse-fanatic opinion.

Creative. The Yellow Table’s Anna Watson Carl realizes a dream. She’s writing a cookbook and has given herself 5 months to create 100 recipes. Follow along with The Cookbook Diaries.

Groovy. I like Jaime Derringer’s abstract work.

Repulsive. On all levels. In light of our recent government meltdown, we’ve taken to watching the West Wing and longing for a better era. That show just makes you feel all warm and fuzzy unlike the current state of American politics. Ugh.

Cool! A stick figure baby for Halloween. I might have to do this next year.

Kind. Tell a friend (or a stranger) that she’s a good momma. A little goes a long way.

Creepy? Justice Scalia believes in the devil. This piece is Halloween apropos.

Spooky. According to a recent study, the country of Japan will have its last Japanese baby in the year 3000. Say what?  The Last Japanese Baby- it sounds like a new Sci-Fi film starring Will and Jaden Smith. Can they save the last Japanese baby? What do you think? There have been lots of books released lately on the issue, an interesting topic.

And lastly:

What will you be this Halloween? I mean you, grown ups. We are invited to a kids birthday party for Halloween and the adults are required to dress up. I’m not usually one for a lack of interest in dreaming up these kinds of things but time is of the essence here. I’ve got two days to pull something together with no budget. What are some funny and easy costumes that you have all thought up over the years? I was once the Night Sky and just wore all black and stuck glow in the dark stars all over myself, but this party’s during the day so that won’t work. I’ve been a Black-Eyed Pea, that one’s easy. C and I went one year as 2 Peas and iPod (get it- yuck yuck). Let me know if you have any easy quick costume ideas.

Cin Cin and Happy Weekend!

Images: {Domino, The Yellow Table}

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Happy Weekend!

minimalist spook

Happy Weekend dear readers. How great is this Minimalist Spook dining room. My good friend Kristen decorated this year at her 5 year-old son’s request. She lives in a beautiful Scandinavian-like home in Connecticut and did this just right, I think. I love her style.

What are you all up to this weekend? We’re going to the Circus! I cannot wait. This will be the bebes’ first time under the big top and we have ringside seats. I’m so curious as to what they will think of it all. They’re still pretty young so there’s no telling how long they’ll be game, if they’ll like it, be scared, I don’t know- all bets are off with two 16 month-old little people. Chances are one will love it and the other- not so much, that seems to be the way things go around here. Cin Cin and Happy Weekend!

What I’m Drinking This Weekend:

Cold Heaven Makepeace Pinot Noir: from the Santa Rita Hills in the Central Coast of Cali. Morgan Clendenden is in charge here. Yes, of those Clendendens. She’s married to wild man Jim, the legendary producer of Santa Barbara’s Au Bon Climat, one of the first wines made in the French style to really put the Central Coast on the international wine map. We served Au Bon Climat’s Chard at our wedding. Big fan.

I can’t get enough of the St. Rita hills ever really, but particularly at this time of year. Their pinots are earthly and mellow but yet bright with ripe fruit and spice. They don’t tend to carry that heavy barnyard note that Willamette Pinots do (though I love that too), these Pinots are of a different breed. They go terrifically with fall fare. I’m thinking about making a roast chicken with some roasted carrots and maybe some red roasted potatoes with fresh rosemary- a real roast fest to pair with this beauty. If you have any good roast chicken tips, please send them my way!

I’ve been visiting this wine region since I was an wee Angeleno back in the late 90s, just out of school. Dare I say, it is my most favorite wine region anywhere. A pre-Sideways devotee, I’m always true to these parts. With wacky Dutch-influenced Solvang a few miles down the road, the Lompoc Wine Ghetto, an ostrich farm and Pea Soup Anderson’s in nearby Buellton, this region is right up my alley. I’m a happy camper when the Santa Rita hills are in my house.

A Few Things:

happy weekend

1. A nice reminder of what the weekend is for via Kinfolk Magazine. It would be great to live the weekend this way at least once in a while.

2. I need to get myself an espresso maker on the double so that I mix up these bad boys- Easy Espresso Martinis- a fun idea for a late Sunday brunch party.

3. These Halloween looks are killing me. Little Miss Wintour. Toddlers as fashion icons- come on- these are great. Oh Happy Day rocks out the homemade Halloween goodness with killer creativity and style- three cheers for Jordan Ferney. (Her artist hubby, Paul Ferney, is creating a canvas of our bebes for Christmas via his Commission Project- I can’t wait to see it, what a talented couple). Check out these great homemade Halloween looks via her blog as well- I love that robot, so old school.

4. The ultimate IKEA hack, this kids’ bike was purchased as a stool. Yes, you read that right. I would like to meet the mind of the person that thought this up. Talk about thinking outside the box- how do you look at a stool and think- bike!? I love it.

5. These shoes. Not in the budget I’m afraid, but a girl can dream.

6. This clutch. From one of my favorite etsy shops, somebody better buy this before me.

7. Holy fall feast- I made this salivatingly good mushroom herb lasagna this week via this month’s issue of Sunset Magazine. Made with béchamel sauce and lots of fresh herbs, it’s is completely awesome. For those of you who read this blog, you know I love my Sunset Magazine. It’s a hold-over I think from all the dreamy western trips I took as a kid. That and my mother-in-law used to save her issues and give them to me each month. After she passed away, I subscribed myself and look forward to it every month. For me, their recipes have never failed to make our mouths very happy. I love their travel, wine, interior and outdoor features as well. Big fan, all around.

8. This is hilarious. Real men posing like male underwear models. Bravo guys!

And a few other things:

Alice Munro just won the Nobel Prize for Literature. A master of short story writing, her Runaway is one of my all time favorite reads- haunting and thoughtful, her characters really stick with me.

Can somebody please explain this 3-D printer thing to me. They’re going to start 3-D printing human organs? I just don’t get it.

There is a VEGAN strip club in Portland. I can’t believe I just wrote that, I don’t even get it. Tofu and naked gals, hmmm.

Brown butter and all its wonder.

Did you know that it costs New York State $167,731 just to house one inmate for one year. I can’t understand this. That’s like going to Harvard (almost).

Real Simple’s Smart Decorating Tips for Any Space

Russian billionaire Dmitry Itskov has vowed to cure death within the next three decades with his “2045 Initiative”. Say what? It’s all very Avatar involving cyborgs and the “quantum nature of consciousness” and the like. Trippy.

Paintbrush-free indigo mountains by artist Lynn Pollard. These are so dreamy and zen-ful. Lynn paints the mountains near her Atlanta home using a special dipping technique the involves a vat of dye and paper- no paintbrushes here. Check out her work at u-gallery.

I love the color palette of this kitchen.

For all of us that fancy ourselves little Liebowitzes, here’s an easy guide to shooting interiors that I find works well with other still life too. I love that stick figure drawing. I’ve caught myself in that position on the floor many times never to any success.

Diesel has launched a home collection. Look at this crazy couch!

A Francophilian playlist via Anthropologie. I’m always in the mood for some Frenchie tunes. I’ve been listening to the bebes French music lately. They take a little French class every Wednesday morning which is hilarious. They bop around and listen to tunes, play with a giant marionette and tiny papillons. It’s super cute although I’m not sure they’re really learning anything, they do love it. I love it too though mostly I sit there in a full-out sweat hoping that my little man doesn’t throw a fit when he has to put back his rubber serpent or vache. Mon Dieu!

{Images: Halloween Dining Room: Kristen Schaefer, Matches: Kinfolk, Espresso Martini: Emma Chapman, Lasagna: Annabella Breakey, Mini Anna: Sarah Hebenstreit, Ikea Bike Hack: Coroflot}

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Ain’t No Party Like a Pumpkin Patch Party

’cause a pumpkin patch party don’t stop ya’ll…

the party

My friend Lora’s daughter Lola is turning one this month and she is throwing her a super cute Pumpkin Patch Birthday Party. I love the idea, I only wished I lived closer so that I could see it in person. She asked me to put together some ideas for Lola’s big day, so here are a few things that caught my eye. There are some fun ideas here for an adult autumn-themed party as well.


the pumpkins

Stack them, group them, write on them, fashion them into flowerpots, and make a pretty wreath out of the minis- there are so many fun ways to utilize your main party prop.

Mini Pumpkin Wreath makes for a beautiful front door.

A pumpkin as a flowerpot- sweet. Grab some sunflowers or wild flowers from your local farmer’s market and trim the stems so that they just peep out.

I never think to write on a pumpkin, but I love the way this looks. You could welcome your party guests this way, paint your little one’s name, Happy Birthday, or their age on a pretty pumpkin. I love cursive on a pumpkin.

Stock up on lost of pretty pumpkins (I am partial to these Cinderella pumpkins they always have at Trader Joe’s). Grouped together and stacked on top of each other, they make for instant decor- very bibbidi-bobbidi-boo.

Get yourself some hay bales, arrange them in a semi-circle, throw in some pumpkins and call it a pumpkin patch complete with comfy straw seating.


the painted pumpkin

Bust out the paint and bump up the glam.

Chalk Painted Pumpkins: For a matte and sophisticated look, these pumpkins are gourd-geous. (sorry, couldn’t resist.)

Polka Dot Pumpkins: who doesn’t love a polka dot.

Glitter Party Pumpkins: these are perfection.

Metallic Painted Pumpkins: I like the neutral tone of these metallic beauties, they would look great on a mantle.

Graphic Painted Pumpkins: chevrons are fun but I love plain old stripes, thin stripes, bold stripes any stripe is fun.


the lighting

Lighting really is everything, isn’t it.

Martha Stewart shows us how to DIY an ordinary paper lantern into a pumpkin lanterns or you could just buy these pre-made Pumpkin Paper Lanterns and save yourself the effort. Affordable and cute, these lanterns would be so pretty strung indoors or outdoors.

Fairy lights: a must if you’re outdoors and your party goes through the early evening. These are available everywhere, I love their round, globe shape. You can get them at ebay, Pottery Barn, Amazon- anywhere.

Autumn Luminarias: I love a luminaria (I have a thing for Santa Fe so of course I do). What a great idea for fall.

Celestial Pumpkins: Just a few dots and zigzags will really give your pumpkins a sophisticated luminescence.

Squash Jack-O-Lanterns: these oblong gourds are just asking to be carved into these cute ghostly jack-o-lanterns. I love the way they look.


the bar

Ok, I know it’s a children’s birthday party, but this is my blog afterall. I know many parents who choose not to cater to the adults at their children’s parties and really want it to be about the kids. I think that’s awesome and wish I were that noble. In the meantime, pour me a drink.

A few ideas for a quick bar/food table: it’s all about tin, reclaimed wood and hay. One or all of those elements is pretty great.

Tin is a great look for a rustic pumpkin patch party. I love the tin garbage can table. Using the trash cans for the base is genius. A festive tablecloth could mask an unsightly piece of plywood that would do the job just fine. Cute. And that tin trough with the reclaimed wood piece on top is beautiful if you could find a cool piece of wood or an old door. The hay bales and wood top are great and easy too.

The thermoses adorned with nifty tags are a great reminder that this IS a kid’s party and that is what matters most.

A Pumpkin Party Cooler- come on, I love it.


the table

You could go a little overboard with all the hay, but if you’re not using it elsewhere and want a seated table, this is pretty cute. The simple white tablecloth kind of makes it. If there kiddos are tiny, I probably wouldn’t do a table but for older kids, I like this idea.



the sweet

A few yummies for the table:

Apple Cider Floats: great idea, especially if it’s not too hot.

Pumpkin Pull Apart Cake: interactive and it’s got cupcakes? Win win.

Pumpkin Cake Pops: jump on the cake pop craze, for the big and the small.

Pumpkin Butter Quick Bread Bars: like a blondie and some pumpkin bread had a baby- mmmm.

S’mores Pops: let’s face it, s’mores are awesome and cake pops are awesome, this combination is pretty fun.

Candy Corn Coconut Orange Jello Bites: you can also add some alcohol to these and put a few on the bar but that may be asking for trouble. The recipe here calls for alcohol, you can easily omit it.

Salted Caramel Apples: because come on- what’s a pumpkin patch party without some candy apples?


the savory

We’re keeping it simple because this is a kid’s party not a 5 course meal. Easy to eat soup, stew, cheese and crackers, crudite and cheese sandwiches sound like a winning combo to me.

A Shot of Carrot Soup: I like the cinnamon stick and flag detail.

Jack-o-lantern Cheese Sandwiches: I want one. Use some nice thickly sliced cheddar to make your life a little easier.

Turkey Chili Bar: everyone loves a chili bar.

Arrange your crudite in the shape of a pumpkin, it will get messed up pretty quickly but it was cute while it lasted.

Look at that cheeseball. I dig it. Stick a stalk of celery on top and call it a pumpkin.


the cake

Sugar Free Carrot Cake: Call me what you will (no fun, a killjoy) but I just couldn’t stomach feeding my bebes a super sugary cake on their first birthday. Sure they’ve tried a spoonful of ice cream here and there, but they’re still not on the sugar train- I’m hoping to keep them off of it for as long as I can. I baked the bebes this carrot cake (with finely chopped raisins) with this cream cheese frosting. All sugar free, no Stevia- only honey which is a great substitute provided they are not allergic.

Apple Cider Donut Cake: For the adults, not that you don’t have enough sweets on the table, but again what good is a pumpkin patch party without an apple cider donut? I would stack your donuts in a tower-shaped cake so that guests can pick their donut of choice. It’s cakey, it’s fall-like, it’s kind of the perfect cake.


the favor

Pumpkin Pie in a Jar- this is genius. If this is your child’s 1st birthday party, let’s face it, his or her friends don’t need a favor, but their parents do. I love the detail of the wooden spoon as well.



In addition to the juice, milk and water for the kids, serve a little mulled apple cider, beer and wine.

The Beer:

Pumpkin Ale, of course. If you read this blog, you know I am on a pumpkin ale kick. Offer some of the usual suspects too. I would definitely serve up the Cinnamon Pumpkinhead that I featured yesterday. Simple, easy and festive. This is a no-bartender-required drink. Just rim the glasses with sugar, fill a few with pumpkin ale and leave the rest in your ice bucket. The guests will know what to do and you won’t have to fret making drinks.

The Vino:

Keep it simple. There are probably lots of sweet treats on the table so you don’t want anything too tannic or super dry. Your best choice is a sparkling- I always say, the bubbly is your best friend, it will go with everything. I would serve up a good and inexpensive Cava or Cremant. Have a few bottles of white and red on hand too, just in case your guest don’t like bubbles (who in the world that might be, I’m not sure but you never know). I would go with a For vino, I would stock my bar with a pretty floral white like a Southern French blend, a Vinho Verde from Portugal would be perfect too. For reds, I would keep it light and not too dry. A Beaujolais Cru or Red Burgundy would be nice. Head to your favorite wine shop and ask for good representations of the following wines:

Spanish Cava
Vinho Verde
Languedoc White Blend
Beaujolais Cru



the fun

Paint Your Pumpkins: more fun and less hazardous than carving, let the kiddos get creative (and messy), I love the fluorescent paint.

Candy Corn Toss: so cute and fun. Just pick up a piece of plywood, paint and cutout. Small beanbags for the toss can be found here.

Red Wagon Hay Rides: this is a must. If you don’t have a radio flyer wagon, pick one up for “hay rides” around your backyard (if you have one, if not you could try pulling the little ones through your living room- I’m sure it’s been done). Throw a couple of small pumpkins and some hay in there and call it a day. Instant entertainment.

Bobbing for Apples: it just never gets old, does it and it’s always funny.

Pin the Patch on the Scarecrow: this one comes straight from my brain. Stuff a scarecrow and hitch him to your fence (again, if you have a yard- if not, your fireplace? your bolted-into-the-wall bookshelf?). Fashion a little fabric patch for his pocket and play.

And that’s all she wrote (and found). Let me know what you think? I’d love to hear of any other ideas you might have for this party. Happy Birthday Lola!


{Images and Credits: Pumpkin Butter Quick Bread Bars: Garnish with Lemon, Pumpkin Cake Pops: The Squeaky Grocery Cart, Pumpkin Pull Apart Cake: Kate Sears, Peanut Butter Pumpkins: Paper Jewels, Candy Corn toss and Pumpkin Place Setting: Frog Prince Paperie, Bar Setup: bjdhausdesign, Pumpkin and Roses Party: hostess with the mostess blog, DIY lanterns, Pumpkin Party Cooler, Glitter Pumpkins, Celestial Pumpkins, Autumn Luminarias, Squash Jack-O-Lanterns: MarthaStewart.com, Wagon: SouthernHospitality blog, tin bar and bucket: Better Homes and Gardens, Pumpkin Ice Bucket: Southern Living, Tin trash can table: Better Homes and Gardens, Thermoses- Better Homes and Gardens, Pumpkin Cheese Sandwich: Better Homes and Gardens, Pumpkin Cheeseball and Flowerpot Pumpkin: Kara’s Party Ideas & Michelle Levesque, Pumpkin Pie in a Jar and Shot Glass Soup: Melody Appel at Innove Events, Haystack Table: Frost Me Blog, S’Mores Pops: Ali Ebright, Chalk Painted Pumpkins: perfectly imperfect blog, Pumpkin Veggie: homemadecrap, Haystack Seating: babybalice, Apple Cider Float: Rachel Ray magazine, Metallic Pumpkins: The Handmade Home, Candy Corn Jello Shots: That’s So Michelle, Apple Cider Donuts: Smitten Kitchen}

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Happy Weekend!

apple cider doughnuts

Happy Weekend dear readers. ‘Tis the season for apple cider donuts. I might try my hand at these little beauties handmade by Smitten Kitchen. Or, I might just pick some up at the Del Ray Farmer’s Market on Saturday, they are awfully good.

I hope you are all off to a fun weekend. Any big plans? My hubby is out of town this weekend on a writing retreat so I’ll be hanging solo with the bebes. This part of the country is loaded down with fall festivals galore at this time of year (seriously, it’s kind of out of control) so I think we’ll hit up the Del Ray Arts Festival which we can walk to (love that- makes me feel like a New Yorker again for a minute) and maybe the Fairfax Fall Fest to get a sense of life in the ‘burbs. Deep breath. The ‘burbs are in my imminent future, I’m trying to dip my toes in as opposed to diving in head first, which is my normal m.o. What are you all up to?

My Weekend Sip: Domaine Tempier Bandol Rose ’12. So, it’s not rosé season- who says? I personally love the pink drink year round. This one is my all-time favorite. From the Peyraud and Tempier family in Bandol, this one sings with hints of chocolate and spice. Yes, you read that right. It’s a little heartier than your run of the mill rosé, a nice companion to a fall feast. It’s a little pricey but if you’re hosting guests or just want a special treat, you’ll be so happy you sprung for this bottle. I talk about this wine a lot on this blog, I’m absolutely in love with it, its owners (Lulu is an inspiration) and its history. $39

A little link love and a few things that caught my eye:

happy weekend

1. I have got to get myself to a theater stat to see Gravity. This movie looks amazing. We have tried hard not to watch too many previews but the images look pretty astounding. I’ll see anything Clooney does, the guy never makes a misstep, and this one really looks magical.

2. I’m not sure that I’ll be plunking down $150 for an Italian cashmere onesie anytime soon, but I sure do like the looks of J.Crew’s new baby line. I’m just glad they didn’t have this line when I was pregnant, talk about el-broko.

3. If you’re a sucker for steak frites, a late night and live in the Bay area, you’re in luck. Alice Waters has just reintroduced late night steak frites at Chez Panisse, a long lost tradition there not seen since 1974. Monday through Thursday nights.

4. There are those brush strokes again. I tell you- frustrated abstract artist right here folks. I love this pretty iPad clutch. What I love even more- the color palette, inspiration for my next living room.

5. I love this wool cape coat. $70.

6. Call me predictable for the Pinterest set, but I can’t help but follow tales and adventures in the City of Lights- especially culinary ones. I religiously troll through David Lebowitz’s Instagram photos and love reading about parents and their bebes in Paris. A fun post by Joy Cho about her recent gastronomic adventures with her little one in Paris. I love that they toted their own highchair with them to local restaurants.

If you’re headed to the twinkly French city anytime soon and love a wine bar but don’t want to blow your budget, check out this new breed of wine bars in Paris. Spend a mere 4 euros on a glass of Burgundy at Ambassade de Bourgogne or pay retail price (unheard of, right) for a bottle at Le Verre Volé. Can’t get into Le Chateaubriand? Saddle up to the bar at Inaki Aizpitarte’s Le Dauphine for the second seating around 9:30.

And another thing:

To rid yourself of those annoying robo calls, the geniuses at nomorobo (i kind of love that name) have invented a service that claims to rid your voicemail of them for eternity. I’m a bit doubtful but it’s worth a shot.

Quote of the Week:

I was strolling the bebes down King Street yesterday and an older woman in her late 80s who looked like a more angelic version of Aunt Bea stopped me to ask if the kiddos were twins. I told her yes and she said that she had twins herself. “The first few months were hell.” I knew right then I loved her so and wished we were related. I really do love the elders, they are the most badass of us all.

And one last funny:

15 Reasons the Kids Don’t Like Facebook Anymore. My favorite is this one:


Images: {Steak Frites: Eric Wolfinger, Paris with Kids: OhJoy!}

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