Happy Weekend!


Dad and I

Happy long weekend dear readers. It’s my Dad’s birthday today. He would have been 72. There we are above circa 1976 in that amazing wood paneled den. Love you Dad, you will always be the coolest. Miss you and your generosity, humor, big love, wisdom and sense of adventure every day.

I hope you are all off to some fun and adventure in the spirit of this holiday weekend. We’re hanging around these parts trying to gussy up this joint. It is taking for-evah. I failed to properly estimate the time it would take me to fully unpack and semi-organzie with 2 toddlers in tow. It’ll get done one of these days… or not. In the meantime, we continue to navigate through our basement and garage like we are the All-Stars of the last season of Hoarders. We’ll throw in a bbq somewhere this weekend amidst the constant disarray. That’s sort of what life is though isn’t it. Throwing in the fun stuff amidst the chaos- something like that.

What I’m Drinking:

Le P’tit Rouqin from Olivier Lemasson. This fantastic gamay is brought to me by Ian Cauble’s new venture, Somm Select. From one of my favorite importers, Louis/Dressner, comes this terrifically acidic and food friendly but still fruitalicious Loire gamay. Strawberries, lots of flinty and clay minerality and a hint of tobacco and spice pepper this beauty. A light-to-medium bodied red that is so so good. Check out your local wine shop for Louis/Dressner imports as this bottle has already peaced-out from Somm Select and can be a bit elusive. It’s only about $20- a steal, as much of the Loire Valley can be.

A Few Things:

This cool new wine business (as mentioned above). A Master Somm’s picks straight from his palate to your front door. Well, something like that anyway. I’m a fan. I was cheering for Mr. Cauble in the recent smart vino doc, Somm and think this is a bright new venture for the now lettered MS. He’s got a beautiful Bandol up at the moment.

3 Great Foodie Memoirs- I can never get enough of these things (if I ever have time to read that is, which is never- so strike that whole comment but these do look interesting).

This fun little feature on my girl Jessica Pariseau. I just saw her in Cabaret and she is on fire kids. Go girl- one of my favorite people.

Katie Parla’s Proust-inspired Questionnaire- the subject: food writer Alec Lobrano. I’m always in the mood for a Prousty questionnaire especially when it involves food and musings upon it.

Who needs a bar cart anyway? Not me with these little ones running around, that’s for sure. This looks pretty good.

How NYC’s neighborhoods got their names. Hmm.

This terrific article written by my good pal, John Carroll. He never disappoints- one of the funniest and sharpest dudes I know.

For bougie bohemians, Mara Hoffman launches her first home collection at Anthropologie. Eyeballs and feathers and arrows, oh my. This is a little too blogtastic for me, but I do like a random eyeball here and again.

Holy Smoky Flavors- 10 Brilliant Grilling Secrets from the latest of issue of Food & Wine. A newbie convert to the wonders of the grill- I can’t believe what I’ve been missing- I was thrilled to get this latest issue in the mail as it is pretty much entirely devoted to the good sport of grilling.

A behind-the-scenes look at book cover design from the bookish folks at Chronicle.

Funny. I especially like June Squibb and Gary Oldham’s reactions.

Cin Cin ya’ll and Enjoy.


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Happy Weekend!
Happy Weekend!

Happy Weekend!

Happy Weekend

Oh my little blog, how I’ve missed you. I have been most occupied. There have been many sips, some steps and lots of Pooh in my life as of late. Let me explain.

As some of you dear readers may know, I am helping the folks at Waterfront Market (namely Alexandria’s honorary mayor, owner Jody Manor and his gal Friday, the genius Rashmi Pappu- an artist/photographer moonlighting as a restaurant maven) with their wine list. It couldn’t be more fun. We are stocking the shelves with artfully crafted, terroir-driven wines, it’s such a dream. We’ve got a rosé sparkler from Michigan (yes, you read that right), a killer Chenin Blanc from South Africa and a kick-butt Chinon from the Loire Valley. I’m so proud of our selection, we are working with some wonderful importers and I’m also really proud of our pricing. It’s a little bit of a secret for now, but the word will soon be out that Waterfront’s got some of the quirkiest and most interesting wines around with some seriously excellent pricing. We are in it for the locals- come and get your juice at the Pier. If you live near Old Town Alexandria- go go go. We just put that crazy delicious pink bubbly from Michigan on our shelves. So back to the sips… we’ve been taking lots of them in the quest to develop the wine program. Working with Rashmi has been a blast, it’s a good day when you’re genuinely exhausted from tasting too much wine. And yes, that is possible. :-)

To the steps- I have laced up my character shoes and jumped back on the choreography train, folks. After a few years on the down low with my little ones, I am newly motivated to get back into the theater. I’ll be the associate choreographer on Signature’s “Cabaret” this coming season and have lots of new fun things in the works. Honestly, it’s just great to be back in the theater and in the rehearsal studio again (my favorite part). My body doesn’t quite bounce back the way it once did after a day’s work- oh aging, aren’t you fun- but it’s good stuff and I’m so psyched to be breaking out my jazz hands.

And Pooh, dear Pooh. My kiddos are in love with that Winnie, they cannot get enough. They love watching his Many Adventures and I have to say, I’m ok with it. I would much rather be watching Pooh and Piglet cavort around the Hundred Acre Wood than jump around with those crazy Gabba Gabba whatever-they-are. My mother-in-law used to read the A.A. Milne stories aloud to her fellow showgirls in the “Call Me Madam” Broadway dressing room in  the 1950s, how times have changed, so there’s something so sweet and sentimental about my kiddos’ newfound love for Pooh.

Happy Weekend to you all. I hope you are off to some fun adventures. We are headed to the beach (yay!) with some friends, one of them being my talented friend Jess Hartman. We just went to her opening night of Smokey Joe’s Cafe here at Arena in DC last night and folks, it’s awesome. Big congrats to her and the cast. The last 6 or 7 numbers of the show are like going to church. If you want to hear some serious singing (these people are not kidding around) and toe tapping tunes, hit this show up. Back to the weekend at hand- it’s supposed to rain but I’m ok with that, I rather like being holed up with friends and family in a cozy beach cottage. Sounds like heaven to me. What’s not so heavenly- packing with toddlers. Seriously, it’s like preparing for a friggin’ moon launch. What gives with all this gear!

A few things from above that look yummy and inspired:

1. A Sparkling Grapefruit Sage Mimosa. Yum. I spied this juicy image floating around Pinterest with no recipe to speak of, so here’s my version:
1. Fill your cup 3/4 full with sparkling wine or champagne
2. Add a splash of grapefruit juice
3. Garnish with a wedge of fresh grapefruit and a sprig of sage
Voilá. My new favorite drink (other than a great glass of vino of course).

2. An Oversized Beachy Striped Tote. It’s $59 and it goes with everything. Done.

3. Lemon-Dijon Chicken Salad Sandwiches. Come on, how cute are these things- look at them all wrapped up. Truthfully I don’t even like chicken salad but that Anna Watson Carl makes everything delicious and she’s making these like the Frenchies do- sans mayonnaise. Yum. I’m looking forward to making and packing these little beauties up at the beach this weekend.

4. Because who doesn’t love these two in the air with jazz hands to boot. Pure happiness.

5. Fig Tartlets. Shhh. Don’t speak. Enough said, I’m sold and making these stat.

What I’m Drinking: 

That Sparkling Mimosa above and some delicious Italian rosé. This one in particular from our Waterfront selection, it’s crazy good.
Here’s What I Get:

tasting note- sperino rose

Get it here if you don’t live in my neck of the woods.

And A Few More Things:

This little Italian movie may be the greatest road movie ever made. On the list.

This one’s on the list too. A Year In Burgundy- I can never get enough good wine docs. Cue the Amazon instant video.

There’s a butt selfie queen? Oy.

How Monica Lewinsky Changed the Media. 

That’s all. A Happy Mother’s Day to you all. Cin Cin and Enjoy.

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Happy Weekend!
Volatize This! A Chewy, Lavender-Tinged French Red

Happy Weekend!

tasting notes

{writing up tasting notes at Alexandria’s new Waterfront Market}

Happy weekend dear readers. What adventures are you all up to? We had a quick visit from Papa Jacques, the bebes’ grandpa and my mom is in town so it’s been lots of fun family time. George Mason Dance presented its annual Gala performance last night. I watched our students grace the stage and fearlessly tackle the spectacular works of choreographers Karen Reedy, Kyle Abraham, Mark Morris and Robert Battle. Kudos to the department and its impressive program, I was blown away by their work.

I’ve also taken on a really fun new project that involves my spending lots of time writing up tasting notes and tasting through wines at the brand new Alexandria eatery, Waterfront Market, smack dab on Old Town’s pier- what could be more fun? In the last few years the only restaurant to take up residence on the waterfront proper is The Chart House which is great- we all know and love it from vacations past on piers across the country- but let’s face it, locals don’t exactly flock to the pricey chain. Jody Manor of Alexandria’s Bittersweet Cafe (a personal fave) has spearheaded this new spot, setting out to make Old Town’s Pier a destination for visitors and locals alike. My talented friend Rashmi Pappu rang me up to see if I would come in as their Wine Consultant and help them design their wine program, list and market. I jumped at the opportunity to work with them, this great new spot and let’s face it, designing a wine list is one of my all time favorite things to do.

If you’re in our neck of the woods, pop in and see us. Jody has done a great job designing the Market exposing its industrial and raw roots, bringing a local and organic feel back to the space. The restaurant sits adjacent to the Torpedo Factory, a industrial space that houses local artists and their works. Three Cheers for revamping the pier and making it a go-to destination. Come in and sip some of our yummy vino (the sushi and sandwiches are aces too).

What I’m Drinking: 

I’m sipping on a Cabernet from our list. The ’12 Camp Cabernet is an easy-going cab crafted by a former pro-skateboarder. Kenny Likitprakong set out to make a Cab blend from the Sonoma Coast that would speak to the laid back vibe of the surf and skate culture. Success. He sources his grapes from a few different choice vineyards and has concocted a fleshy and food-friendly wine that smacks of boysenberry pie, coffee beans and cassis. Likitprakong threw in a bit of Merlot and Cabernet Franc for good measure. Pick up a bottle at Waterfront Market or here. The ’12 vintage has largely sold out, so get it while it’s hot (or between 62-68 degrees).
*Hobo Wines makes a few more of my current favorites- check out their Folk Machine labels- delish.

A Few Things: 

The bowels of NYC’s Balthazar are like being backstage at a Broadway show. This is a great article on the inner-workings of McNally’s masterpiece and now NY institution. Working in the wine cellar there, I always felt like the way its underbelly operated was akin to the backstage choreography of a show: well-oiled, specific and highly executed.

Why fiction makes us more empathetic.  P.S.: How much do you love Diane Rehm.

I Love Lucy- good or bad for women? I say good, Lucille Ball- always good. This story on Studio 360 is an interesting analysis of the show featuring a few scholars’ two cents and Mindy Kaling too.

Framing your art on the cheap- always helpful.

Inside the Pixar Braintrust- always fascinating.

The Best Cheap Trader’s Joe’s wines to drink with Italian food- when both your table and your wallet are “rustic”.

And lastly, did you guys see this? I recently watched a re-run of the 2013 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Awards and could not believe this acceptance speech. I didn’t quite what to make of it while watching it- but honestly, I think it’s kind of awesome. An entire speech in blah blahs? Now that’s commitment.

Cin Cin all and enjoy the weekend!

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Harvest with Hobo Wine Co.

The Irish Table

The Irish Table

One of my favorite chefs and our hometown foodie hero, Cathal Armstrong just released his debut cookbook. So of course, I hightailed it to his high end food market/restaurant, Society Fair, to pick up my copy. Hot off the press, this cookbook delivers some hearty yet refined Irish cooking inspired by the sustainable farm-to-table cuisine he has perfected at his flagship Restaurant Eve.

Armstrong is an Irish transplant to the DC area who has single handedly put Alexandria on the A-list foodie map. His local dynasty of destination eateries includes the top notch Eve, Society Fair, The Majestic, Eamonn’s Dublin Chipper and PX. If Alexandria is on your list, you must make it in to one of Armstrong’s spots. He has a great way of capturing the old world while celebrating the new. Each of his restaurants embodies the old school spirit of this Colonial town while churning out inventive and inspired food and drink.

I cooked up an Irish-inspired feast last night in celebration of St. Paddy’s Day and tried my hand at Armstrong’s Hollandaise sauce. Hollandaise you say? Not exactly an Irish invention but so delicious drizzled over some hearty Emerald Isle-inspired dishes. I’ve always been a little afraid of Hollandaise what with all the whisking and clarifying and (potential) curdling, but this approach was rather easy and dare I say- fun. I was whisking and carrying on like a master chef with my oversized stainless steel bowl, wiry tool in hand and butter and yolks running aplenty. I rather enjoyed the whole experience and served the Hollandaise over a crusted seared salmon, roasted parmesan-topped asparagus and roasted fingerlings- all riffs on recipes from My Irish Table. Crazy deliciousness ensued. (see my yellow creation pictured above) We finished the night off with a Salty Caramel Ice Cream Guinness Float. Rather indulgent, but hey- it was a holiday and instead of whooping it up at the local pub like I used to do, with the bebes tucked in their beds, we indulgently dined on some savory eats. Hey man, any excuse. Happy St. Paddy’s Day indeed.

My Irish Table is chock full of hearty and homemade Irish recipes, all elevated to highlight the flavors and the food of Armstrong’s culinary repertoire. Sláinte Chef Armstrong! I heartily recommend.

My Irish Table, $26 Hardcover

*Listen: this interview with Chef Armstrong via Washington DC’s NPR is worth a listen if you dig this type of food.

And… A Few More Irish Fantasies in the Spirit of St. Paddy’s:

On My List:
The Galway Oyster Festival. What could be better than an Irish seaside town, boatloads of fresh oysters, Champagne, Stout and music?

Ballymaloe Cooking School. Armstrong credits this County Cork farm/school as the official pioneer of the farm-to-table modern Irish cooking movement. Heralding Ballymaloe as one of the greatest culinary experiences of his life, I’m sold- it is officially a must-do.

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Happy Weekend!


Happy Weekend dear readers. It has been such a tumultuous, sad and mysterious week in the world with so many tragedies and the Malaysian Air mystery. My heart and prayers go out to the families. I hope we can find some answers soon. Prayers to the victims of the Austin and East Harlem accidents as well.

This weekend we’ll be bidding adieu to our beloved Old Town as we prepare for the big move out to Fairfax County. In reality, we’re only moving 15 minutes away, but in spirit it is another world entirely and the beginning of a new and ‘burby life. Bring on the adventure.

What I’m Drinking:

It’s still cold around here so I’m still craving an earthy, chewy red. This is one of my go-to’s for under $15. I just picked up a case at my local Whole Foods. Great with pizza and burgers. A casual and rustic, while still complex, expression of the Tuscan Sangiovese grape from the Maremma region near the sea. A solid and yummy budget red.

tasting note- morellino

’11 Ghiaccio Forte Vigne de Passegno Morellino di Scansano (what a mouthful!) , $15

A Few Things:

An awesome DIY Sculptural Hand Dish a la the highly coveted Kelly Wearstler design- this one comes at a much cheaper price tag (and isn’t sold out). I’d like to find time to make this, mostly because I just love the way a fresh block of clay feels.

How to style your space like a Wes Anderson movie. I will find a place for that fabulous Scalamandre Zebra wallpaper one day.

Roahhhhr! Carly- what a tigress. I’m always inspired by the divine Ms. Simon, her style and her timeless sound.

Picasso as your pen pal. This is so cool.

A super quick tour through SJP’s NYC Brownstone as she answers 73 quick questions (and very well). Her brownstone is fabulous. I love all the books, there is a real live dictionary and those globes!!!

I can’t wait to read this. Walter Kirn, author of Thumbsucker and Up in the Air, shares the details of his friendship with the killer and con man, Clark Rockefeller and how it felt to be duped.

Bringing Down Bebé- a year in Paris brings this mother and her kids to their knees. This is a great read for any parent who has wondered why their kids can’t patiently play and self-amuse like those well-behaved Frenchies.

Teach your kids how to hustle. Frank Deford is my new favorite- how have I never heard this guy before!

Oh Shirley, how I love ya. This is great.

Gettin’ Freekah with Chicken and Kale in salad form. Thank you Bon Appetit- this one looks delish.

And A Few More Things:

My new favorite show. Talk about mind blowing. This guy is my 2nd favorite new favorite.

You’ve probably seen this video of parents lip-synching to Frozen’s “Love Is An Open Door” while their daughter yawns in the backseat. Last night, C and I performed an entire rendition of Sesame Street’s “La-Di-Da-Di-Dum What’s The Name of That Song” (quite possibly one of the catchiest tunes ever and the reason for my recent insomnia- I CAN-NOT stop singing it- all. night. long.) for our kids, and while our daughter bopped right along, our son repeatedly hit himself in the face. We didn’t blame him. We are pretty obnoxious when we get our full-on musical theater game faces on. And he was sort of trapped and forced to listen to us in his car seat. Seriously one of the funniest things ever. T- not a fan of musical theater (or maybe he’s just not the biggest fan of our singing voices).

Cin Cin all and Happy Weekend!

Photo: Hand Dish by Mandi Johnson

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Happy Weekend!
Happy Weekending!

Volatize This! A Quixotic $12 Spanish Red

As promised, here are my thoughts on the Volver ’11 Single Vineyard Tempranillo that I partook of over the weekend.

Good. Honestly and solidly good, and especially good for a $12 bottle of wine. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with this wine and in fact there’s a lot that’s quite right about it. Perfect with any hearty winter dish, it’s dusty and hot (but not too hot) just like the region it’s grown in, La Mancha, Spain- yes that La Mancha of Don Quixote lore. Sipping this dusty, dark berry-filled wine makes you feel like you’re out on the Spanish plains waving your sword at those iconic windmills Quixote-style, or at least it did me.

I tasted the ’11 and really liked it, but I would imagine the ’10 might even be nicer with a bit of age on it to simmer down the wiliness of this Quixotic red.

Here’s What I Got:

Tasting Note Volver

Volver Single Vineyard ’10, $12

Cin Cin and Enjoy! Do you have a $12 La Mancha red that channels  your inner Quixote? Do tell.

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First Crush: A Somm's First Harvest
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Happy Weekend!

Judy Davis in The Ref

Happy Weekend dear readers. It’s Santa Lucia Day! Cue my annual viewing of one of the most fantastic and hilarious holiday movies ever- The Ref, of course. Have you seen it? If you haven’t, you will not believe it’s taken you so long to see this little masterpiece. It’s seriously unbelievably funny with a killer cast- Kevin Spacey, Judy Davis and Denis Leary, not to mention the hilarious Christine Baranski (“slipper socks… medium”- my favorite line of the movie). The script is flawless. If you don’t mind a little profanity and uncomfortable family gatherings in your holiday movies (just the way I like ‘em), you’ll love it.

What are you all up to this festive weekend? There will be brunching, imbibing, playing (never too much play for those bebes) and general merriment around these parts, and maybe some rest too if I can manage to squeeze that in. We’re taking the bebes to Sesame Street Live tomorrow- woohoo- they love that Elmo so we’ll see what they think. I’m hoping to finally get my Christmas cards out, we’ll see how that goes- doubtful.

What I’m Drinking This Weekend:

I’m popping open a bottle of ’11 Volver tempranillo. I’m kind of in a Spanish mood these days, maybe because I’ve been talking to my friend Alana, of the fab Analogue Guides, who currently lives in Barcelona. Volver was recommended by another wino pal. It’s red, it’s rich, it’s hearty, it’s single vineyard, it’s $12 and it shares the same name as the great Almódovar film- ok, I’ll give it a shot. I’ll let you know what I think on Monday. I’m planning on making this City Bakery Pretzel Chicken as an experiment in whether or not the kiddos and the adults can dine on the same dish- maybe not the most perfect match with the Volver, but the mustard-baked chicken promises to be a hearty so we’ll so how it pairs.

A Few Things: 

This makes my friggin’ day! Faith in humanity restored.

.A rare Redford interview and it’s 40 minutes long with the incomparable Terry Gross. Awesome.

Maureen Corrigan’s Best Books of 2013. If only I had the time or energy to read more than one page a day. Filed away.

A Guide To Napping? Yes please.

Inspiring Holiday Interiors. Pretty.

6 Ways to Use Leftover Wine. Clevah!

7 Kitchen Design Mistakes Everyone Makes. Helpful.


Enjoy your Weekend and Cin Cin!


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Volatize This: A Springy Fresh Bottle of Loire Bubbles

Cook Books

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Happy Weekend!

minimalist spook

Happy Weekend dear readers. How great is this Minimalist Spook dining room. My good friend Kristen decorated this year at her 5 year-old son’s request. She lives in a beautiful Scandinavian-like home in Connecticut and did this just right, I think. I love her style.

What are you all up to this weekend? We’re going to the Circus! I cannot wait. This will be the bebes’ first time under the big top and we have ringside seats. I’m so curious as to what they will think of it all. They’re still pretty young so there’s no telling how long they’ll be game, if they’ll like it, be scared, I don’t know- all bets are off with two 16 month-old little people. Chances are one will love it and the other- not so much, that seems to be the way things go around here. Cin Cin and Happy Weekend!

What I’m Drinking This Weekend:

Cold Heaven Makepeace Pinot Noir: from the Santa Rita Hills in the Central Coast of Cali. Morgan Clendenden is in charge here. Yes, of those Clendendens. She’s married to wild man Jim, the legendary producer of Santa Barbara’s Au Bon Climat, one of the first wines made in the French style to really put the Central Coast on the international wine map. We served Au Bon Climat’s Chard at our wedding. Big fan.

I can’t get enough of the St. Rita hills ever really, but particularly at this time of year. Their pinots are earthly and mellow but yet bright with ripe fruit and spice. They don’t tend to carry that heavy barnyard note that Willamette Pinots do (though I love that too), these Pinots are of a different breed. They go terrifically with fall fare. I’m thinking about making a roast chicken with some roasted carrots and maybe some red roasted potatoes with fresh rosemary- a real roast fest to pair with this beauty. If you have any good roast chicken tips, please send them my way!

I’ve been visiting this wine region since I was an wee Angeleno back in the late 90s, just out of school. Dare I say, it is my most favorite wine region anywhere. A pre-Sideways devotee, I’m always true to these parts. With wacky Dutch-influenced Solvang a few miles down the road, the Lompoc Wine Ghetto, an ostrich farm and Pea Soup Anderson’s in nearby Buellton, this region is right up my alley. I’m a happy camper when the Santa Rita hills are in my house.

A Few Things:

happy weekend

1. A nice reminder of what the weekend is for via Kinfolk Magazine. It would be great to live the weekend this way at least once in a while.

2. I need to get myself an espresso maker on the double so that I mix up these bad boys- Easy Espresso Martinis- a fun idea for a late Sunday brunch party.

3. These Halloween looks are killing me. Little Miss Wintour. Toddlers as fashion icons- come on- these are great. Oh Happy Day rocks out the homemade Halloween goodness with killer creativity and style- three cheers for Jordan Ferney. (Her artist hubby, Paul Ferney, is creating a canvas of our bebes for Christmas via his Commission Project- I can’t wait to see it, what a talented couple). Check out these great homemade Halloween looks via her blog as well- I love that robot, so old school.

4. The ultimate IKEA hack, this kids’ bike was purchased as a stool. Yes, you read that right. I would like to meet the mind of the person that thought this up. Talk about thinking outside the box- how do you look at a stool and think- bike!? I love it.

5. These shoes. Not in the budget I’m afraid, but a girl can dream.

6. This clutch. From one of my favorite etsy shops, somebody better buy this before me.

7. Holy fall feast- I made this salivatingly good mushroom herb lasagna this week via this month’s issue of Sunset Magazine. Made with béchamel sauce and lots of fresh herbs, it’s is completely awesome. For those of you who read this blog, you know I love my Sunset Magazine. It’s a hold-over I think from all the dreamy western trips I took as a kid. That and my mother-in-law used to save her issues and give them to me each month. After she passed away, I subscribed myself and look forward to it every month. For me, their recipes have never failed to make our mouths very happy. I love their travel, wine, interior and outdoor features as well. Big fan, all around.

8. This is hilarious. Real men posing like male underwear models. Bravo guys!

And a few other things:

Alice Munro just won the Nobel Prize for Literature. A master of short story writing, her Runaway is one of my all time favorite reads- haunting and thoughtful, her characters really stick with me.

Can somebody please explain this 3-D printer thing to me. They’re going to start 3-D printing human organs? I just don’t get it.

There is a VEGAN strip club in Portland. I can’t believe I just wrote that, I don’t even get it. Tofu and naked gals, hmmm.

Brown butter and all its wonder.

Did you know that it costs New York State $167,731 just to house one inmate for one year. I can’t understand this. That’s like going to Harvard (almost).

Real Simple’s Smart Decorating Tips for Any Space

Russian billionaire Dmitry Itskov has vowed to cure death within the next three decades with his “2045 Initiative”. Say what? It’s all very Avatar involving cyborgs and the “quantum nature of consciousness” and the like. Trippy.

Paintbrush-free indigo mountains by artist Lynn Pollard. These are so dreamy and zen-ful. Lynn paints the mountains near her Atlanta home using a special dipping technique the involves a vat of dye and paper- no paintbrushes here. Check out her work at u-gallery.

I love the color palette of this kitchen.

For all of us that fancy ourselves little Liebowitzes, here’s an easy guide to shooting interiors that I find works well with other still life too. I love that stick figure drawing. I’ve caught myself in that position on the floor many times never to any success.

Diesel has launched a home collection. Look at this crazy couch!

A Francophilian playlist via Anthropologie. I’m always in the mood for some Frenchie tunes. I’ve been listening to the bebes French music lately. They take a little French class every Wednesday morning which is hilarious. They bop around and listen to tunes, play with a giant marionette and tiny papillons. It’s super cute although I’m not sure they’re really learning anything, they do love it. I love it too though mostly I sit there in a full-out sweat hoping that my little man doesn’t throw a fit when he has to put back his rubber serpent or vache. Mon Dieu!

{Images: Halloween Dining Room: Kristen Schaefer, Matches: Kinfolk, Espresso Martini: Emma Chapman, Lasagna: Annabella Breakey, Mini Anna: Sarah Hebenstreit, Ikea Bike Hack: Coroflot}

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A new kind of science magazine- for those of us who would rather upload a TED talk than subscribe to Scientific American- gone are the days of the glossy 70s Science magazines. Nautilus aims to reach that lost audience as well as the next generation of visually oriented, human interest-inclined folks of today. It sure is pretty and it reads beautifully. As much myth as fact, each issue has its own theme such as “uncertainty” and “secrets” and concentrates on storytelling through science. I’m interested.

A great new Thursday read as each chapter is released on the 5th day of the week. Check it out.

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