Happy Weekend!

beachy dreaminess

Happy Weekend dear readers. How much do you love this beachy photo? Taken by my dear friend, Amy Dickerson, I need this in my house- will have to talk to her about that. Follow her here for loads of dreamy inspiration.

To what great adventures are you off to this fine spring weekend? I am traveling home from that great big apple at the moment. I ran there and back in a day for some work and squeezed in a slice (or two), enjoyed a cold beer in Penn Station (what? how have I never done that before) and smelled a bunch of armpits as I did my best sardine imitation amidst the hubbub of the rush hour 1 train. Ah New York, I love ya so. This weekend- I am off to Lucketts. Only one of my most favorite days of the year- the annual Old Lucketts Store Spring Fair. Vintage Virginia nirvana- a little bit of Brimfield in our neck of the woods. I posted about it last year and I’m looking forward to discovering from some new/old treasures this time around.

What I’m Drinking:

This one’s a heartbreaker, a beautifully crafted lean Loire wine with killer acidity and lots of earth, herbaceousness, fruit, and a little spice- it’s damn near perfect- a chompy food-friendly Cab Franc from Chinon. A bottle with the classic goods, its got everything you want in your lean mean Loire red. Imported by Jon David Headrick who cut his teeth working for Eric Solomon, Headrick knows how to spot the real deal winemakers, the poets, the dreamers, if you will. This stuff is bottled dreaminess.

Here’s What I Get:

tasting note chiens chiens chinon

And you guessed it, it is on the list at Waterfront. On our market list that is, pick this baby up from our shelves and enjoy, or get it here. A beautiful food friendly wine, this will pair perfectly with your takeout Vietnamese.

A Few Things:

Creativity: The Perfect Crime? I hope so. I can never get enough of this guy.

My State’s prettier than yours. What’s in a name, or tourism slogan? Thanks for posting, Rashmi.

Dancers vie for coveted spots at SAB. I went there, I couldn’t wait to get out. It’s great and all and I’m beyond grateful for the experience, but I was much more comfortable in my hot pink character skirt and heels- a Broadway baby even as a wee lad.

Speaking of dancers, this Free People ad had what seemed to be the entire dance community in an uproar, the FB noise on this was unbelievable. If you’re friends with one of us (dancers, I mean) you undoubtedly saw it along with the scores of snarky comments. I feel sorry for the model but honestly, it is a pretty offensive and ridiculous ad. Just a word to the wise, corporate America please don’t mess with dancers because this is what you’ll get- a pretty hilarious parody by crazy talented dancer, J. Elaine Marcos. And… scene.

I just love these pretty floral and foliage faces from Justina Blakeney.

Clever and inspired pancake creations from a stay-at-home dad. Where does he find the time?

I can’t help it. I had to laugh.

These before and afters of organized closets and shelves give me agita. I know I will never be this organized but I like to look at it.

More importantly, India’s stunning election results.

Also important, how to throw a fabulous stress-free brunch.

Cin Cin all and Enjoy the Weekend!

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Friday Find

Friday Find

Just a crazy cute polka-dotted table runner.

If you’re like me and love having a dinner party, you can never have enough of these things.


White Polka Dot Runner


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Tortoise Shell- My New Neutral

It’s not that it’s new, it’s just my new neutral. Tortoise- I like it.

A few bony beauties to ponder:

Fabby French Flatware- put a little Paris on the table. (P.S.: This is the best price going for the classic Sabre flatware).

A Boxy Tortoise Minaudiére- done. This thing goes everywhere with me after six, that is if I manage to leave my lair.

An Old School Wristwatch- it feels like 1979 and that feels good to me. Plus, sometimes… it’s nice to tell time from your wrist.

Classic Highballs with a Twist- these things go with every place setting and they look great in your hand.

A Dimmable Statement Lamp- and it’s wavy too.

That’s all.

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Happy Sunday

happy sunday

It’s a lazy spring Sunday day over here in the ‘burbs. I’m still trying to get used to the idea that I’m so ‘burby now. I haven’t lived in a true suburban community since my childhood and while the pros outweigh the cons for us, I do sometimes feel like a fish out of water. I’ve met some fabulous people on my block alone, but of course most of my friends live in DC or Alexandria proper, so I’m feeling the need to start throwing some massive dinner parties just so that I can get my peeps out here for some good old fashioned quality time. A good excuse to do one of the most fun things on the planet anyway right? Who doesn’t love a good dinner party?

In the meantime, I’m lappin’ up the rays on my newly painted deck. When we moved in, it was a dingy burnt orange-y color, something that I’m sure looked smokin’ in 1979, but a fresh coat of BM’s Deck Gray has zhooshed her up real good. My brother Matt and my sis-in-law Wendy came over to plant some flowers and plants from their garden into ours- how cool is that- and I’m now the proud caretaker of a real honest-to-God herb garden (see photo above). I’m pinching myself about the glories of a backyard.

That’s about it for me this weekend. We start a massive landscape project tomorrow. I’ll post some before and afters but we’re basically getting rid of all of the pretty but dangerous (for toddlers) ivy on a steep slope in the backyard, planting a Japanese maple tree to provide a little privacy from our neighbors and ripping out all the Chinese holly bushes in our front yard which seriously look like prickly torture devices- not the most welcoming thing to see at first glance of a house.

What are you all up to this weekend? My Texas family is currently grillin’ it up at the Austin Food and Wine Fest (yes, I’m completely jealous), their arms above freshly inked by rock star chef Tim Love. I’m loving this flowering plant in these tear drop vases. I never know what to put in mine, I lugged one home from a Provence flea market a few years ago and it usually just sits alone and empty on our countertop. These fritillaria are so graceful and architectural. (Can you tell I’m loving learning about plants- so much to learn). And I’m thinking about this wallpaper for my girl’s room. I’m on a wallpaper tear- cannot get enough. And this one’s on sale. Sweet and pretty, right?

What I’m Drinking

The Chateau Coupe Roses that I posted about on Friday- can. not. get. enough. Marshy, lavender deliciousness from Southern France. Yum. And some Bandol rosé thrown in for good measure, of course.

A Few Things: 

Explaining the joke is the joke. Sort of like Penn & Teller’s approach to magic. I dig it.

35 Restaurants with a View. Because who doesn’t want some good eats and something pretty to look at (besides your date of course).

I love this etsy shop by the Meg A. Myers. Great up-cycled geometric planters.

Fresh and springtime-happy cocktails via Camille Styles.

How are annoying are you on Instagram? This quiz made me throw up a little bit in my mouth. Most of the stuff on this quiz never occurred to me- maybe it’s because I’m 5 years away from Millenial thinking or maybe I’m just too old for this shit. Is this really what’s happening? I know we all have egos- duh, I have a blog- but this whole self(ie) obsession is getting a little out of control.

P.S.: A random side note about the Disney Princess craze. If you don’t have kids, you’ll probably want to skip this next bit.

To all you moms of former, current or soon-to-be toddler girls, I have a theory on the whole Disney Princess craze. Indulge me here. I think it actually could be a little more about our (the moms’) fascination with said Disney heroines than it is our kids’. At least I think that’s where it may start. This is just a theory but it I witnessed this case in point this past week as after watching scenes of “Frozen” over and over again with my little ones (at their request, but honestly, mostly because I really dig it- it is a seriously well-crafted and thoughtful tale with some catchy-ass tunes, after all).

My little miss will not stop belting out “Let It Go”. And this from a 22 month old who doesn’t fully talk yet. She sings out Louise accapella at all hours of the day- in her crib hours after I think she’s gone to bed, at mealtimes, in the car,  and when I try to sing something else, she quickly starts in to the power ballad chorus. “Let It Go” is Celine goes to Vegas after all isn’t it.

My girl is into it and in turn asks to watch Anna and Elsa all day long. Now I have to be honest with myself. She didn’t create this passion from out of the blue. I introduced it to her and I myself am overly enthusiastic about the Frozen girls and cannot resist my full-out musical theater belt every time we get to the “Let It Go” scene. So whose fascination is this anyway? It’s definitely hers, but it’s definitely mine too. Have I created a musical theater Disney-loving monster? If I have it’s too late nate. I’m sure I’ll rue the day when in a few years, she’ll wear nothing but a cheap pink princess-ish gown to school, the park and to bed as many of my friends now contend with. Or maybe she won’t, or maybe I’ll love it that she refused to wear anything but her princess gown. Who knows? But honestly, as a generation that grew up with The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast (ok maybe we tail-end Gen-X’ers were a little old for the Princess schtick when these movies came out), but it kind of makes sense that our kiddos would be so into these Disney ladies. Because we are too, like it or not. Feminist debate to be had at another date. What say you?

Austin Food & Wine Fest photo: Toni Terzian Wellhausen

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DIY: Zero to Hero

Ok, that’s not exactly true. This little miss was certainly not a Zero when I found her (that lattice front and hardware alone are completely gush-worthy), but she had so much Palm Springs swankiness going on that she didn’t know what to do with herself- she was on swank overload. I didn’t want to strip her of her swank, but I did want to do her right.

I hemmed and hawed over what to do with her. I knew she could be perfect and shine without being obnoxious about it, but what to paint this little miss? Just look at her. She was in dire need of a swank-appropriate makeover.

palms spring swankiness overload

I thought about a high gloss navy with a black trim or the reverse, but I have so much of that already going on in my living room that she needed her own color. I thought about gray but wasn’t convinced until I revisited DIY goddess Jenny Komenda’s An Ode to the Pax post and once again fell in love with that glossy Knoxville Gray.

To seal the deal, I decided I would email Ms. Komenda in the hopes of catching her on an off day. She answered me straight away. “A super glossy mid-tone gray”, she replied. Music to my ears. She quickly put the kibosh on my navy and black idea and ruled out a white as well, adding that it would only cheapen the piece.

A little interior wisdom goes a long way. Thank you for the advice and the endless inspiration via the Little Green Notebook (that Jenny Komenda is truly inspired and crazy talented).

Here she is folks, my Palm Springs Swanky Lady in all her newly mid-tone gray glory:

Zero to Hero

P.S.: This was a Craigslist purchase for around $100. Add in a coat of paint for $20 and Voilá- DIY success!

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Thursday Thrift

A little painterly metallic for your Easter table.

Made by Rajasthan Block Printers out of India, this runner is both neutral and snazzy. For more oomph, go for the gold.

thursday thrift


Painted Metallic Table Runner, West Elm

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Happy Weekend!

marbled mess

Happy Weekend dear readers. This image above is the perfect representation of my currently marbled mind. I have neglected le blog this past week- the first time I’ve ever done so since starting said blog- due to some serious overwhelmation (how do you like that word?). Our big move really set me back a bit. Turns out having toddler twins and moving while working is not exactly a walk in the park- at least not for me. In any case, I’m loving the ‘burbs. I wish I was closer to town but what I get in exchange is pretty huge, especially for this former teeny apartment-living city dweller. I’m looking forward to sharing our renovation progress with you all, sometimes it feels like I’m never going to get this house together. Patience. ‘Tis a virtue indeed.

What I’m Drinking:

Honestly, I don’t know. I haven’t had the time to truly consider and think about it, I am really that overwhelmed and honestly- exhausted. Right now, I’m chomping on a yummy Chablis that my hubby just poured for me. For once in my adult life, I’m too tired to look at the label. Who am I?

A Few Things:

In another life, I’m Gabrielle Hamilton. How much do I love her and her writing, not to mention her cooking! Here’s a great piece she wrote for AFAR on Sicilian wine and wineries.

6 Solutions for the Chronically Busy- Holy Smokes, I should have read this years ago.

The smarty pants Long Island kid who got in to all 8 Ivys.

It’s great to travel like a local and all, but sometimes it’s kind of awesome to just be a cheesy tourist.

I’m currently The Armstrong Lie: wowzers. Talk about a study in Machiavellian personality- I feel like I’m watching Frank Underwood in House of Cards. He couldn’t give it up when the giving was good and that brought him down. He had to come back because that’s what power hungry people do, I guess. I don’t know. It blows my mind, I did not get that gene.

A nearly $10 million dollar pad in NYC. It’s nice and all, but I mean really… $10 million?

How to create a foodie-approved Fruit Roll-Up aka Fruit Leather.

I just bought these tiny Bertoia-style chairs for the bebes. A pink one, a blue one and a few chrome ones for their pals. Cute right!

Another mouth-watering recipe for Sea Salt Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Lavender Creme Brûlée anyone? Yum.

And A Little Aside: 

I recently had a student ask me what “xerox” meant. Talk about a generational shift. Really? Really. Hmmm.

Enjoy your weekend and Cin Cin!


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Happy Weekend!

tasting notes

{writing up tasting notes at Alexandria’s new Waterfront Market}

Happy weekend dear readers. What adventures are you all up to? We had a quick visit from Papa Jacques, the bebes’ grandpa and my mom is in town so it’s been lots of fun family time. George Mason Dance presented its annual Gala performance last night. I watched our students grace the stage and fearlessly tackle the spectacular works of choreographers Karen Reedy, Kyle Abraham, Mark Morris and Robert Battle. Kudos to the department and its impressive program, I was blown away by their work.

I’ve also taken on a really fun new project that involves my spending lots of time writing up tasting notes and tasting through wines at the brand new Alexandria eatery, Waterfront Market, smack dab on Old Town’s pier- what could be more fun? In the last few years the only restaurant to take up residence on the waterfront proper is The Chart House which is great- we all know and love it from vacations past on piers across the country- but let’s face it, locals don’t exactly flock to the pricey chain. Jody Manor of Alexandria’s Bittersweet Cafe (a personal fave) has spearheaded this new spot, setting out to make Old Town’s Pier a destination for visitors and locals alike. My talented friend Rashmi Pappu rang me up to see if I would come in as their Wine Consultant and help them design their wine program, list and market. I jumped at the opportunity to work with them, this great new spot and let’s face it, designing a wine list is one of my all time favorite things to do.

If you’re in our neck of the woods, pop in and see us. Jody has done a great job designing the Market exposing its industrial and raw roots, bringing a local and organic feel back to the space. The restaurant sits adjacent to the Torpedo Factory, a industrial space that houses local artists and their works. Three Cheers for revamping the pier and making it a go-to destination. Come in and sip some of our yummy vino (the sushi and sandwiches are aces too).

What I’m Drinking: 

I’m sipping on a Cabernet from our list. The ’12 Camp Cabernet is an easy-going cab crafted by a former pro-skateboarder. Kenny Likitprakong set out to make a Cab blend from the Sonoma Coast that would speak to the laid back vibe of the surf and skate culture. Success. He sources his grapes from a few different choice vineyards and has concocted a fleshy and food-friendly wine that smacks of boysenberry pie, coffee beans and cassis. Likitprakong threw in a bit of Merlot and Cabernet Franc for good measure. Pick up a bottle at Waterfront Market or here. The ’12 vintage has largely sold out, so get it while it’s hot (or between 62-68 degrees).
*Hobo Wines makes a few more of my current favorites- check out their Folk Machine labels- delish.

A Few Things: 

The bowels of NYC’s Balthazar are like being backstage at a Broadway show. This is a great article on the inner-workings of McNally’s masterpiece and now NY institution. Working in the wine cellar there, I always felt like the way its underbelly operated was akin to the backstage choreography of a show: well-oiled, specific and highly executed.

Why fiction makes us more empathetic.  P.S.: How much do you love Diane Rehm.

I Love Lucy- good or bad for women? I say good, Lucille Ball- always good. This story on Studio 360 is an interesting analysis of the show featuring a few scholars’ two cents and Mindy Kaling too.

Framing your art on the cheap- always helpful.

Inside the Pixar Braintrust- always fascinating.

The Best Cheap Trader’s Joe’s wines to drink with Italian food- when both your table and your wallet are “rustic”.

And lastly, did you guys see this? I recently watched a re-run of the 2013 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Awards and could not believe this acceptance speech. I didn’t quite what to make of it while watching it- but honestly, I think it’s kind of awesome. An entire speech in blah blahs? Now that’s commitment.

Cin Cin all and enjoy the weekend!

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Happy Weekend!

Moving Day!

So long Old Town! One last photo op on our way out the door. Old Town Alexandria was so good to us and we had a blast living there. We brought our babies home to that tiny and loved apartment and I loved all of our long stroller walks through the Colonial streets of that charming town. Our move to the ‘burbs was a bittersweet one. We were so sad to say goodbye to Old Town but happy to have some real space and a small patch of green to call our own. More Progress Reports on our ongoing reno to come- now I know why people say that home improvement is ongoing, there is an absolute endless lists of things to tackle, but that’s what makes it fun right? We’ll be making various trips to Lowe’s and the hardware store this weekend amidst attempting to unpack boatloads of boxes- what is even in these things is beyond me. How in the world is it possible to accumulate so much when you live in 700 square feet? First world problems to be sure. I don’t mean to complain about “stuff” but it does get to be a bit much. I mean really, how much do we really need in our lives? I’d like to just give everything away but I know I would just end up buying most of it all over again. Here’s to a life more simplified, that’s always a good goal.

What I’m Drinking: 

Our refrigerator isn’t working yet (long reno sob story), so it’ll be a warm Blue Moon with a slice of orange for me on a plastic cup (until we can find that elusive box of glassware). I’ll put a 6-pack outside to cool overnight- cool weather can be a blessing. Ha.

A Few Things:

“What Facebook is doing to your brain is kind of shocking.”

What a cute ad campaign.  I love those black doors.

You may have heard, but there’s been a big breakthrough in the Big Bang Theory- I can’t even fathom figuring this out. Fascinating.

Hip Hip Hooray- my friend Anna Watson Carl has finished her “Cookbook Diaries” and will be self-publishing her Yellow Table cookbook this year! Three Cheers for realizing a dream!

L’Wren Scott’s passing this week was so sad. She was such a gifted artist and designer. I remember L’Wren Scott as she was the costume designer for the 2000 Academy Awards that I was lucky enough to perform in. I’ll never forget my fitting with her, she had yet to propel to the fast track in the fashion world and was in the beginning stages of her work as a rock star designer but it was clear that she had the goods. I’ve never felt better, she knew how to make a gal look and feel great.  I posted a small photo of our Blame Canada kickline in our Royal Mountie garb here on the blog.

For all you DIY’ers out there, a super cute pennant pillow. I can’t sew to save my life but for those that possess that seamstress-y thing, I think this would be so great in a little one’s room.

Happy Weekend Dear Readers! Cin Cin all and Enjoy the first weekend of Spring!

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Happy Weekend!
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9 Things for Spring

It’s officially here folks and I have to say, today it actually feels like Spring in my neck of the woods. It’s 55 and sunny- who can believe it! Here are a few of my favorite things for Spring.

9 Things for Spring

1. A Batch of Lemon Thyme Bars- because who doesn’t want a little citrus and fresh herbs with their sweets- done.

2. Some Stella McCarney Two-Toned Oversized Sunnies: a bit of a splurge for me considering I usually lose my sunnies each season but if I can keep track of them, they’ll be worth the splurge.

3. Some Sabre Tortoise Salad Servers- I can’t get enough of the Sabre spoons from Paris. I love these salad servers and Spring is all about fresh veggies- the better to toss them with, my dears. I’ve got to get my hands on these teaspoons too, sold exclusively in the US at Happy Bones Coffee in NYC’s Nolita. (They’re currently out of stock but are expecting more in late April). Aren’t they great.

4. A Great Rosé: a list just isn’t a list without a good rosé on it- any time of year. But Spring beckons for a mineral and crisp glass of salmon-y pink juice. I’m loving this one imported by the can-do-no-wrong pioneer, Kermit Lynch. When in doubt, reach for one of Kermit’s bottles, he doesn’t disappoint. This one’s $15 and lip-smackingly good.

5. A Darling Baby Zebra Print: Springtime reminds me of freshly hatched chicks and fuzzy baby animals. How sweet is this little zebra. Sharon Montrose’s lovely animal prints start at $25.

6. A Pair of Raffia d’Orsay Slippers- fresh and fun and so nice to get a little fresh air on your tootsies.

7. A Jet Black Hinge Bangle- because it’s just cool, and Spring is a cool time of year.

8. An Octagon Embellished Terra Cotta Planter: ’tis the season for planting and gardening and stuff of the green-thumbed sort and also, I love an octagon. And also, I have a backyard! Say What?!

9. Some Shiny and Shapely Hardware: there’s that octagon again. An easy update.

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