According to Jess: Fells Point + A Momma’s Mocktail

I’m starting a new series called “According to Jess” where my Southern, sassy and opinionated (in the best way) pal, Jess Hartman shares her lifestyle and travel tips. She’s a New Orleans native who splits her time between NYC and Baltimore, where she, her hubby Jason, and soon to be little girl dwell in a cute little row house. Jess and I did our first Broadway show together, The Boy From Oz- you really bond with someone when you originate a show together, not to mention sharing a tiny dressing room on the 4th floor of the Imperial Theater- ahh, those were the days!

According to Jess

We recently met for brunch in this historic and ridiculously cute waterfront Baltimore neighborhood and I fell in love with Fells. Fells Point- According to Jess:

Fells Point

Sofi’s Crepes for authentic crepes, Salt Tavern for inspired American food, The Black Olive for tasty Greek food in a a rustic and romantic setting, and Pitango for great gelato.

Sound Garden for vintage LPs, Killer Trash for killer vintage, AMuse Toys for beautifully crafted toys for your tots and Poppy and Stella for darling shoes.

One of the highlights of the year in Fells is the Films on the Pier series. Watch classic movies outside on the dock- how swoonful is that photo!

Our day in Fells:

fells point

The pier is so pretty and those big beautiful boats make want to jump onboard and yell Ahoy Matey! Jess does her best bevel in front of the Bond St. building- once a showgirl, always a showgirl. These pirate guys were killing me- they absolutely live for these weekends. That cute baby bump- can’t wait to meet the little Miss.

Jess’ Cabo Citrus Punch Mocktail direct from this dreamy place:

el farallon

Don’t you just want to jump into that picture and order yourself a cocktail (or mocktail)? Calgon- take me to Cabo.

A Momma’s Mocktail-According to Jess:

cabo citrus punch


P.S.: I love Jack Rudy’s Small Batch Grenadine Syrup- the best.

{Images: Olives: wiseGeek, Pitango gelato:, Fells Point Pier: Ken Adams, Mocktail:}

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Food & Wine Austin Style

A few highlights from Austin’s Food & Wine Festival with my brother Ben and sister-in-law, Lauren- both Austinites, both foodies extraordinaires. They were in their element last weekend as their hometown hosted a mecca of celebrity chefs, food and wine tastings and cooking classes galore. They have shared a few of their favorite moments with us. Don’t you love the Veuve Clicquot airstream- so Austin, I want it in my backyard (if I had one). That pork perfection above is compliments of Barley Swine chef, Bryce Gilmore. His Austin hot spot is one of my picks in my Austin Getaway Guide. The pork and handmade focaccia were both slow roasted over open fire pits.

Grilling ribeyes and sipping white wine first thing in the morning with Tim Love of Fort Worth’s Lonesome Dove. His colorful vocabulary served as the perfect wake up call for their early morning haze. Lauren’s mom had her arm signed in true rockstar style. Hundreds of grills dotted the Austin lawn as each participant was equipped with his or her own Weber grill, how cool is that.  Go big or go home- it is Texas after all.

A good grill guided by Love.

A few good sips with Food & Wine’s wine editor. It looks like Ray Isle is doing the old “Thank You Austin… and Good Night, I’ll be here all week, try the fish.” I’m guessing that’s not what he was saying but I kind of wish it was. Nice hat, Ben.

Apparently this d.j. was busting out Eddie Murphy’s, Party All The Time. Yes. Spinning that one hit wonder would ignite a spontaneous dance party anywhere. Check out Eddie Murphy’s video for the song here, it’s kind of amazing. Rick James’ hair is beyond, the extras in the sound booth are priceless and can I just say how I love how the 80s took itself seriously- how is that even possible? Will we look back at this decade and think we were as ridiculous? I hope so but I’m thinking we’ve become too retro-conscious- what a shame. But back to the food at hand- that poached prawn is perfection- another tasty morsel by Chef Gilmore.

And… they’re out. Lauren’s shirt kind of says it all. Looks like a blast. Thanks for sharing guys.

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Tunes on a Tuesday: Steve & Edie

Nope, not that Steve & Eydie- although I love them too- but Martin and Brickell. An inspired pairing- I mean really, based on those two alone, I’m buying their new album. Listening to Love Has Come For You is like sitting on the front porch with your momma sipping sweet tea (or rosé if you’re my mom and I) and chatting about any and everything. That’s really what it sounds like. But not in an old fashioned way, in a modern meets nostalgia kind of way- the best kind of way, I think. The word “email” is sung in the first verse of When You Get To Asheville and it works.

Edie Brickell’s folksy, twangy and earnest vocals are a perfect match for Steve Martin’s plucky picking. Martin is an accomplished 5 string bango player. He once said,

“The banjo is such a happy instrument–you can’t play a sad song on the banjo – it always comes out so cheerful.”

Inspired by that quote, I actually acquired a 5-string banjo with the intent on not only mastering it but also finding a sort of zen happiness along with those happy sounds. I agree, how could you be unhappy when you hear the banjo. Playing it must be close to nirvana. As a sidenote- I’ve always loved the banjo, I used to do a “banjo dance” backstage during The Boy From Oz on Broadway as I waited for my entrance, that accompanied our banjo player’s solo in Everything Old Is New Again. It was a little bit famous amongst our stage right crew and cast that happened to be backstage at that point in the show. But I digress, I tried like hell to learn that thing and ended up putting it down. It. Is. Hard. The banjo is not kidding around. I still have it, maybe I’ll pick it up again one day. In the meantime, I’ll listen to Steve Martin play it.With Brickell alongside Martin’s banjo, it’s not just a happy sound but heartfelt and soulful too.

It’s been way too long since we’ve heard from Edie Brickell. Shooting Rubberbands at the Stars by Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians was the first CD I ever owned. My older brother Matt gave me the album for Christmas in 1988 during the advent of the home cd players. I wore that thing out and adored every track. The illustrated cover art is forever burned into my brain. I’ve missed her and am always happy to hear Steve Martin in any form. This album not only lifts your spirits but is also swoonful. I recommend.

Take a sneak peak listen here and tell me what you think.

{Image: Fred R. Conrad for the New York Times}

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According to Jess: Fells Point + A Momma's Mocktail
Happy Weekend
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Happy Weekend!

After a rough week, the Beatles quote above is a nice reminder of what’s really important. These photos were taken by the talented Bree Linne at my mom’s wedding reception earlier this month. Their ranch outside of Fort Worth proved to be picture perfect and was truly a sublime setting for a kickass party.

I wish I was headed out west this weekend but we’re headed north to Baltimore instead for brunch with our friends who are expecting their baby girl in June. I love Baltimore and am always happy for an excuse to get up that way. If the bebes still have some steam in them, we’ll head over to our local high school for Touch-A-Truck Day where they’ll (and me too- yay!) get to climb up in fire trucks and play with all the bells and whistles. Sunday begins the inaugural tasting group for my WSET Diploma friends and I who are studying via Capital Wine School here in DC. I’ve missed my NYC tasting group so I’m looking forward to this one. It will be a big wine geek fest- always love that. We’re starting with fortifieds and the mother country, France. Fitting.

A little weekend Link Love:

What a fun idea for a weekend getaway!

An exotic list of the world’s best and most secret watering holes via NY Times reporters.

A little Little Richard to brighten your day. Check him out as a little boy- whoa! Thanks Lora for sending this my way.

The Ultimate Wine Geek Road Trip from Spain to Germany by way of Italy, Austria and France- yes please! This is my dream trip.

Camp for Grown-Ups in Montauk, NY

What are you all up to? Enjoy your weekend.

{Images: Bree Linne Photography}

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Happy Weekend!

I love this. I’ve been singing lots of Do-Re-Mi to the bebes lately. They love it (and so do I), there’s nothing like those Von Trapps to brighten your day.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I am going to see one of my ballet students in ABT’s Le Corsaire at the Kennedy Center- go Ryan- so proud of him. Otherwise, we are laying low and hanging out.

I heard this great 8 minute history on Johnny Cash’s recording career this week. A fun listen coinciding with the release of the his complete Columbia Records recordings- a 63 cd box set. I love the “If I Were A Carpenter” duet with June. P.S.: Who knew Johnny Cash was so into gospel.

Also discovered this new affordable art site, Buy Some Damn Art- gotta love the name. Since it seems 20×200 is closed (boo), I’ve been looking for new outlets to buy affordable art. This one showcases a small selection of rotating collections. Pretty stuff.

While we’re talking about art, I spied this post, a collection of art appreciators appreciating, on Miss Moss via Joanna Goddard’s Cup of Jo. A fun look.

And this is an interesting article on the power of talking to your babe. Worth a read. I like the illustrations.

{Image above via notetosarah tumblr}

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