A Few Last Minute Stocking Ideas

I know it’s pretty last minute, but here are a few fun ideas to throw in those stockings:

Tom Dixon Candles- expensive but oh so pretty!

D.S.& Durga Brooklyn-based scents- Cowboy Grass (my favorite) – a beautiful blend of American sagebrush, white thyme and prairie switchgrass. Irresistible.

AFAR- simply the greatest travel mag out there. A subscription is that gift that keeps on giving.

A colorpop locket for pics of your love or your minis from Anthropologie. You can pick your chain separately.

Butter Yummy Mummy nail paint- no icky toxins, beautiful colors, this one is a particularly flattering neutral.

Une Bobine iphone tripod- great for recipe reading while cooking.

Crosley Songbird Radio- I love the orange, they come in a few other great colors too.  Just cute.

Jayson Home Farmer’s Market Baskets made of glossy bone china. Cuteness in the kitchen.

A mini 1/2 bottle of delicious Gruet rose sparkling wine. Who wouldn’t want to pop this open Christmas morning!



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