Happy New Year!

It’s a New Year’s tradition in my household to watch Singin’ in the Rain every year. This tradition was started by my hubby who has been  watching Gene Kelly stomp through the rain each and every Jan. 1 since he was a wee lad. I have to say, if there was any time period I could live in, it would have been the early 50s so that I could have been a dancer in all of those great MGM musicals. I would have been so thrilled to have been the 3rd girl from the left. My career as a dancer was that of a modern day chorus girl, which I adored, but there’s something about that era of movie-making that sends chills down my spine.

Do yourself a favor and take 3 minutes out of your day to watch this terrific number. It is truly the stuff of movie musical magic. Gene Kelly and Donald O’Connor- forever the unsung hero in my opinion- effortlessly tap and jump their way through this number. A number made entirely out of a silly line with no real story, but oh so good. That is a rare and sweet treat. Enjoy and a Happy New Year to you.


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