Happy Weekend!

clementine red wine spritzer

Doesn’t this look just like summer! I’m not usually a spritzer kind of girl but this looks delicious. Thanks Joy the Baker!

It’s been a crazy week. DOMA is repealed- hooray (this is a kind of funny 2 -word response), Brazil’s in an uproar, Wow Wendy Davis, and George Zimmerman’s lawyer is telling knock knock jokes- what is happening. Stephen Colbert’s mother passed away and he gave a loving tribute to her on his show. This is a Colbert we have not seen, so sweet.

In light of a big week, I hope you are all off to a big and fun-filled weekend. My momma is coming into town- double hooray- so we’ll head out to North Beach with the kiddos and check out the so-called “Jewel of Chesapeake Bay”. It’s only 45 minutes from our place so I’m crossing my fingers that it’s awesome- there’s nothing like a nearby beach on a hot summer day.

I’ve also started reading again. I know, I know- alert the media, right. It is kind of a biggie for me as I have been a little sleep deprived with work, travel and the bebes and I haven’t really read anything in months. I’m listening to Andre Agassi’s Open on audiobook- so well written- I know I’m a little late to the game (no pun intended) on this one, but it’s awesome. I just downloaded  Ahmir “Questlove” Thompson’s Mo Meta Blues - so looking forward to that. Google Books review says, “You have to bear in mind that [Questlove] is one of the smartest motherfuckers on the planet. His musical knowledge, for all practical purposes, is limitless.” Nice. Anyone who references the episode of The Cosby Show where guest star Stevie Wonder samples the Cosby family’s voices in the recording studio as inspiration for 90s hip hop artists, is pretty much a must read for me. I’m also reading this book on parenting that my sister in law recently gave me (she’s an inspired preschool teacher so I basically read everything she tells me to). It’s great and really revealing. If you like a psych study, you’ll really enjoy this. And for all of us that believe constantly telling our kids that they’re smart is a good thing, this may change your mind.

A little link love:

link love

1. Dora Maar’s house in Menerbes- Peter Mayle land. Love that town, love her and love this house. I would love this little setup in my backyard- throw up a sting of lights and voila- nirvana.

2. What to do with your bebes when you don’t have a backyard. This is so simple, it’s really a duh. I’m trying this today.

3. A girl after my own heart- just another reason to travel with your kiddos. How Anne Postic feels like a change of scenery improves her kids’ palates. Yes.

4. Add a little dash of Rome to your hot summer day. Espresso granitas with whipped cream- grazie mille Smitten Kitchen.

5. Another cool map- I do love a map. This one needs your help to get produced. Visit the Kickstarter campaign here if you feel we need this in the world.

6. That book I was talking about earlier.

7. This just looks wacky.

{Images: Joy Wilson, LePetitCoquin, Bob Cho, Anne Postic, Deb Perelman, Anne Stauche, Gabriel Aguirre}

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Happy Weekend!
Happy Weekend!

2 Responses

  1. Maddie says:

    How was North Beach??

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