Happy Weekend!


Happy Weekend dear readers. I don’t want to come off crass, but I have been known to use colorful language from time to time so when I saw this quote floating around on Pinterest, well- I kind of had to bite. The author of this illustrious quote is sadly unknown- pretty funny.

Well, at the risk of crying wolf, I regretfully did not get Miss Virginie’s (our new house) photos up here along with inspiration images and reno updates, as promised. We just brought down the demo hammer this week. Woohoo! Still, no time to post due to the freezing tundra that is currently Northern Virginia (I’m officially over winter) and the unbelievable amount of time it takes to get the kiddos in and out of the house (they look just like the kids all bundled up in A Christmas Story) and this insane preschool application process that I am currently enduring. Oh, and I started teaching at George Mason this week- I’m officially an academic. Pretty fun. I’m an Adjunct Professor and teaching the dance majors advanced ballet. I’m thrilled to be there, the program is run like a conservatory and the talent, faculty and studio spaces are outstanding- good times.

What are you all up to this weekend? We will start packing up our tiny apartment and start the epic move into Miss Virginie. We don’t anticipate actually moving in for another few weeks because of the reno, but we’ll get a headstart so that we can try to make this place look half way attractive to potential buyers (it’s current state is pretty much a toy explosion).

What I’m Drinking: 
An old standby, this Morellino di Scansano. I crave an Italian red when it’s cold out and when I don’t want to splurge on my favorite region (Brunello!), I go in for this little beauty. It’s $15, rustic but not too rustic, tastes and smells of dirt, cherries and wild herbs, and is a trusty and excellent partner to pizza, pasta and my fancy homemade grilled cheese (mozzarella, pesto, tomatoes, and olive bread pressed with a grill iron- yum and eat your heart out panini!) .

A Few Things of Note: 

A Somm who actually tries to sell his wine as cheap as he can? This is a guy after my own heart. I know I don’t live there anymore, but I can’t help following my NYC Eater feed and reading about the city’s latest and greatest eateries. Pearl & Ash has been on the list since it opened last year. Admission: I have their wine list bookmarked and sometimes… I just click to read and reread, dreaming up what I’ll order when I finally pony up to the bar. Patrick Cappiello has done a killer job with the wine list. Here it is, read it and weep.

How a working class couple amassed a priceless art collection- this is so cool.

How delicious does this little citrus honey yogurt tart look! I want to make this for a Sunday brunch party.

This brass hood kills me. I’d love to have it in my kitchen, they are really tough to find affordably, let me know if you come across one.

Ralph & Russo channels Grace Kelly- I wish I had somewhere to wear this.

Wow! Go DC! 44 DC theatre companies to showcase works written by women.

These are some seriously inspired Ikea hacks. After pricing out dining chairs (sigh), I think I might just go Ikea and arm myself with a Sharpie to replicate the coveted Les Touche pattern on the seat covers like this clever gal did here. Inspired!

Cin Cin ya’ll and enjoy the weekend!

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2 Responses

  1. Toni says:

    Absolutely loved the article on the Vogels! So inspiring. I couldn’t get the brass hood to come up – link wouldn’t work.
    Know you’re loving the excitement of the new house – and if you’re like me – hating the packing up! Can’t wait for pics. So happy for you.

  2. Cheryl Crandall says:

    in awe over Vogel link.

    Toni, sometimes if you right click to open in another tab, it will work. Mind did.

    Wow – that wine list is amazing.

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